Features Plumber UI screenshot

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Note: The d7 version of this module should no longer be necessary when using more recent versions of Features module. If you feel this is incorrect, please open an issue.

This module is useful for feature development using the Features module. Occasionally the Features module auto detects components that you do not want exported to features. You can use this module to remove those auto-detected components from any and all features you choose. The Features Plumber UI module adds checkboxes to the feature create form, and unchecking these detected components will cause them to be removed from the actual generated export.

Note: The d7 version of this module should no longer be necessary when using more recent versions of Features module. If you feel this is incorrect, please open an issue.

The Features Plumber module itself is light weight, but still is really only needed in development environments if you so choose (see admin/build/features/settings). Included is also a drush command for removing components from features:

drush fcr example_feature views frontpage Do not export the frontpage view to the example_feature.
drush fcr all views frontpage Ensure that the frontpage view is never autodetected for any feature.
drush fcl example_feature List the available components to remove from example_feature.
drush fcl example_feature dependencies List the available dependencies to remove from example_feature.

Please be careful with this module. It is powerful, and needs testing.

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