This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

The entity mapper service defines a pattern in which content entities can be mapped into associative arrays in a hierarchical manner.

  1. Perform transformations that apply to all entity types.
  2. Add in transformations that are entity type specific (node, media).
  3. Add in transformations that are bundle specific (a youtube media bundle).

This pattern replaces d6/d7 style array building hooks with more structured, easier to override behaviors. As with d6/d7 style hooks, at each subsequent step in the process, the transformation can act on both the entity and results of previous transformation steps.


You want your share links (facebook, twitter, etc) to include google analytics tags, but the rules around populating these tags are complicated.

Some apply to all entities.

utm_medium = "user generated content"

Some apply to particule bundles.

utm_content = $entity->field_analytics_code->value

Actual Usage

First, you define a service which uses the EntityMapperService as it's class.

    class: Drupal\entity_mapper_service\EntityMapperService
    arguments: ['sharer']

At the same time you may also define a generic entity mapper as well as some entity type specific mappers.

    class: Drupal\sharer\EntityMapService
    class: Drupal\sharer\NodeMapService
    class: Drupal\sharer\MediaMapService

As you build bundles, you may define bundle specific mappers.

    class: Drupal\my_youtube_feature\YoutubeMapperService

Regardless of the module in which the service is defined, always name them like so.


For Distribution Building

The original use case for this module was in complex distribution building. We ourselves maintain multiple flavors of a distribution while aiming to make our code adoptable by others (on campus).

By breaking out mappings by entity, entity_type, and bundle services, we...

  • make everything overrideable.
  • make those overrides granular.
  • make code easier to package discretely.
  • provide a consistent pattern for mapping in the distribution family.

Empty Mappers

In a multi-team distribution building context, you might want to establish a pattern in which every bundle includes a mapper regardless of whether or not it needs to do anything special. This way, teams extending your code do not need to worry about whether or not a service is
already defined (or might be in the future). Instead, the standard procedure is always to alter a service.

If you'd like to define a service that efficiently does nothing, use the EmptyMapperService class included in this module.

Project information

  • caution Seeking new maintainer
    The current maintainers are looking for new people to take ownership.
  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Created by jasonlttl on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
