The Entity Email module lets users create their own email templates which can be used to send emails. Emails sent can also be recorded in the DB if needed. Emails can be sent programmatically or by the mean of the Rules module.

Main features:

  • Built on top of the amazing entity API
  • Allow token substitution
  • Templates can also contain attachments (PDF, TXT...)
  • Rules module support, so email actions can be triggered by any Rules
  • Supports the MimeMail module for HTML emails.
  • Build with the fields API
  • Emails sent can be recorded in DB

Required Modules

  • Entity API

Optional Modules

  1. Rules
  2. MimeMail


Go to the Modules page (/admin/modules) and enable it.

New entities provided by the module

Entity Email Type

Define a new email template with:

  • Label (required) - A descriptive label for the template.
  • Name (required) - Machine name for the template.
  • Subject (required) - The email subject. May contain tokens for substitution.
  • Mail plain body (optional) - The email plain body. May contain tokens for substitution.
  • Mail Body (require the MimeMail module - optional) - The email HTML body. May contain tokens for substitution.
  • Attachments (require the MimeMail module - optional) - The email attachments.

Entity Email

An instance of an entity email type so any emails sent can be recorded.

Maintainer and developer: targoo

For professional support and development services contact Marique Calcus.

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