The module makes helps site admin to take mass actions on content and user data with ease.
The site administrators can choose a certain content type or user data over a period of time and perform an action such as unpublish or delete etc. with a single click.


  • Search for user and content data over a period of time
  • The option to choose duration over Year, Month and days. Eg. Choose content updated over the last 1 year 7 months and 20 days
  • Perform mass action over the content selected such as Publish, Unpublish or delete for the entire data in the given duration.
  • In case of user data, perform mass action such as Block Users, Unblock users, Cancel user accounts, add user role/remove user role over the entire data on selected duration

The Drupal 7 version of Entity Duration Search requires the Date module and Date Popup.

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