
This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Tools and libs for Drupal development under GNU/Emacs. GNU/Emacs is a big and strange thing actively used by a hacker subculture for any purposes. One of Emacs abilities — to be an IDE for a wide variety of languages. There are some extensions and tools for using Emacs as IDE for PHP. The purpose of this project is to merge useful PHP tools for Emacs to one bundle for a quick installation and easy updating.

Version 1.x of the IDE offers basic set of features:

  • Syntax highlighting (with drupal-mode)
  • Code formatting mostly compatible with Drupal standards (with drupal-mode)
  • Basic set of expandable code templates for Drupal hooks and PHP functions (with yasnippet)
  • Realtime PHP-syntax checks (with flymake)
  • Shows help for API functions in an external browser


  • Insert hook templates from parsed *.api.php files.
  • Minor mode for replace dashes with underscores (especially for hardcoded Lisp programmers :)
  • Snippets with Russian comments (more translated snippets are welcome)

From Emacs point of view features are:

Of course all Emacs features like regexp search, highlighting of JS and HTML etc. are available in Drupal IDE. And you are free to extend Emacs more with thousands of it extensions (like supporting projects, navigating through source code and files, working with VCSs etc., even playing chess :). See EmacsWiki for more info.

Primary targets for project development:

  • Full featured drupal-mode with hooks/funcs/classes/docs browser
  • Set of a Drupal specific snippets for fast code writing
  • Integrate Emacs with Drupal & PHP development tools

Plan for v1.0 release

  1. Improve integration with Flymake (PHP/Drupal Codesniffer).
  2. Cleanup install instructions (done).
  3. Php-mode v1.6 need take precedence over default php-mode in Emacs (done).
  4. Hook templates (done).
  5. More convenient function for API browsing.

Plan for 2.x

  • Cedet/Semantic integration
  • Projects support
  • Automatic installation of external libs (PHP_Codesniffer etc.)
  • Menu support

This project is not a Drupal module! Most of code written in LISP (in a special Emacs dialect called Elisp) and installed as Emacs extensions.

See docs and ideas about Drupal + Emacs: http://drupal.org/node/59868

Project information
