Nuez Web

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The E-learning module allows you to easily build your own online E-learning platform and is suitable for language schools and education centres that want to offer online interactive courses to their students.

Its 'unique selling point' is that it tracks every single result of every single question answered by the user, allowing the site builder to automatically and precisely give feedback to the participants, and for example, offer courses specific to the needs of the students.

This module intensively uses the Entity API, so is fully integrated with Views, Entity Translation, Rules etc. The module is very modular and allows you to easily create your own question- or exercise types and change loads of things, such as whether or not the feedback is visible immediately after finishing a exercise.

Note: this module is NOT a 'class-room' environment, such as Organic Groups, that allows teachers and students to interact in a class room setting. This module allows teachers and site admins to create courses, lessons, questions etc, and students to do courses.

This module is sponsored by Allum Languages and sponsored and maintained by Nuez Web

How does it work

The module creates the following hierarchical structure:


These are entity types connected with each other using an Entity Reference field. You can attach and reuse different units to each course, different exercises to each unit, etc

Results are hierarchically saved in corresponding 'result' entities:


Access to courses is controlled with a Course Access entity. It is possible to grant access to courses per user, and use this module with Commerce to sell the courses individually.

Exercise types

The E-learning module ships with two exercise types: one for Practice and one for assessment.

Practice Exercises don't have a time limit. You get immediate feedback on the questions as soon as they are answered (while at the same time the result is saved to the database). You can redo a practice exercise as many times as you want. Results are saved but by default not taken into account for the Unit result ( you can change this setting).

Assessment exercises have optionally a time limit. The time limit is checked both server and client side so it is difficult to cheat. The user doesn't receive immediate feedback for the questions.

It's possible to create your own exercise type if you want to customize things even further using the Elearning API.

Question types

The module ships with 5 question types:

  • Open question
  • Multiple choice
  • Drag and drop
  • Drop down
  • Place in order

Each of these question types have specific settings. For example, for the open question you can set multiple possible correct answers and escape punctuation for evaluation.

It's possible to create your own question type if you want to customize things even further, using the Elearning API.


Enable the module and dependencies. Enable the Questions types and the exercise types you which to implement. Enable Elearning_UI if you need to configure stuff.

Install jQuery Update and set to version 1.8 or higher.


  • Entity API
  • Views
  • VBO
  • Rules
  • jQuery Update
  • Entity Reference

Road Map

- Add a weight property to the Elearning entities allowing to sort them by recommendation.
- Improve general functionality. Although we think this module overall has the right approach, and it works, it still has some dirty solutions that we would like to improve.

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsoring and development

Project information
