Edit media button in editor edit embed media modal
Edit media entity form opened from edit embed media modal
Delete media entity dialog in modal window

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

The tiny module provides the ability to edit a Media entity in a modal window.
Also added edit this media button to EditorMediaDialog form that is used in the CKEditor embed media plugin.


Install as usual.

composer require drupal/edit_media_modal
drush en edit_media_modal

Video example



As default module provides an edit media link for the EditorMediaDialog. But You will be able to use this improvement in the many places where do you need that.

  $form['edit_media_link'] = $media->toLink($this->t('Edit this media'), 'edit-form', [
    'query' => [
      'edit_media_in_modal' => TRUE, // Add that to have ajax actions for the media edit form.
      'destination' => \Drupal\Core\Url::fromRoute('<front>')->toString(), // Add that if you need redirect somewhere after submitting.

  $form['edit_media_link']['#attributes'] = [
    'class' => [
    'target' => '_self',
    'data-dialog-options' => json_encode([
      'height' => '75%',
      'width' => '75%',
      'classes' => [
        'ui-dialog-content' => 'media-library-edit__modal-link',
    'data-dialog-type' => 'modal',
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