Enable Dynamic internal linking
lmport Keywords
Select Keywords for mapping

Internal Linking :

Meaning: Linking your valuable pages within your website.

Examples: Navigation (main & secondary menus) could serve as the best example of internal linking. Having a sitemap is another example.

Why Internal Linking? There are numerous articles on the internet that explain the need of internal linking from SEO perspective. But since you have reached here only after identifying the importance, we are not sharing the links :-)

Dynamic Internal Linking :

Your SEO team will always be able to come up with keywords and link mapping for the most valuable pages on your site. Using this one should be able to map those keywords into links within content of other pages on the site. And this module does exactly that. The dynamic part is more like a taxonomy configuration where you select keywords that fit your content the most and their first occurrence in the content is dynamically replaced as a link.

Motivation :

Internal links are most useful for establishing site architecture and drive the most link juice to valuable / landing pages.

Modus Operandi :

  1. Get the SEO team to prepare a list of keyword to link mapping
  2. Enable the module
  3. Enable dynamic internal linking for select content types
  4. While editing nodes of select content types, select upto 5 keywords and their first occurrence in the field will be replaced as a link

Drupal Procedure :

  1. Goto admin/config/search/dil or admin/config/search/dil/import-keywords (bulk import) to add keyword link mapping
  2. Goto any content type edit page and enable the dynamic internal linking (DIL) setting (in the vertical tabs), remember there must be at least one textarea field in your content type
  3. Enable DIL for that content type and enter the field name
  4. Now while adding a node for this content type, you will see a list of keywords
  5. Select (at most) five keywords, and save. Now on node view page it will replace the first occurrence of those keywords to respective links

More in future :

  1. Add option for automatic replace of keywords in the content
  2. Extend its functionality from textarea to other field types

Limitations :

  1. Replacement is limited to text area fields only
  2. Right now, we have 5 max replacements - will evolve with recommendations from SEO experts
  3. Replaces the first occurrence of the keyword ONLY - it is not recommended to replace all occurrences of the keyword to the same link but currently you cannot choose which one
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