The Drush live CLI allows you to run Drush commands on an already fully-bootstrapped Drush/Drupal site. Essentially it is a Drush command which waits for input and tries to interpret that input as drush commands.


Start up the Drush live CLI with the following commands:

  drush dl drush_live
  drush @myalias live

This fully bootstraps Drupal at the given @aliasname and waits for drush commands to run. Type '?' on the prompt for more help.


To be able to run Drush commands instantly without having to wait for Drush/Drupal to bootstrap.


  1. The CLI itself is a very basic PHP implementation so it lacks everything that makes your Bash/Zsh CLI nice. Like the ability to use the arrow keys.
  2. It can only run Drush commands - arbitrary bash will not work.
  3. Although any Drush command *should* work - in reality Drush was not designed to have multiple commands run in the same instance/bootstrap of Drush/Drupal. All sorts of problems are likely to arise to do with static caching when trying to run a lot of heavy-duty commands.

Note, these limitations can be circumvented by creative use of the --auto-reload option.

OK...give me one use case

The use case I had in mind when writing it was to create an awesome and fast live-reload workflow for javascript and css development using the following tools (in roughly the following order when you make a change to a file):
1. guard
2. guard-drush (running drush live to make the response time as fast as possible!)
3. Prepro module (having created a drush command for it)
4. Sassy & Coffeescript modules
5. guard
6. guard-livereload
7. LiveReload browser extension

Advanced usage

Type '?' on the prompt for more details.

Branches & releases

The two branches of development are in accord with the two currently supported major versions of Drush. Do pick the right one:

  • Drush 4.x: Down load Drush live 7.x-4.x
  • Drush 5.x: Down load Drush live 7.x-5.x

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • Created by jamsilver on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
