
This project exists in the repo here on drupal.org, as well as in a github repo here: https://github.com/drupalci/api

You can see the latest build status on Travis CI here: https://travis-ci.org/drupalci/api


This sub-project provides a front facing API for the DrupalCI project. This allows us to change
the specific CI implementations as needed, without changing the API.

Drupal.org sends a request for a single build, which is then triggered. Drupal.org (or other system) is responsible for determining the build matrix based on PHP versions, database types, etc.


Currently the API can only do two things: Start a job, and check on its status.


A Job is a CI task sent off to Jenkins or similar test runner. Drupal.org or
other process requests that jobs be started, and then the test runner (Jenkins)
runs the CI process.

See the JSON below for the structure of the Job object.

POST [/job]

Starts a job running.

4xx response if:

  • An ID is sent.
  • Properties 'repository' and 'branch' are not sent.

GET [/job/{id}]

Query for the record with the given job ID. 404 if the ID does not exist.

Proposed extensions

These extensions to the API could be present in a future version.

PUT [/job/{id}/cancel]

Stop the job.

PUT [/job/{id}/restart]

Restarts the job. Implies cancel. Creates new id.


    "id": "1",
    "title": "drupal 8.0.x-dev",
    "jobtype": "simpletest",
    "status": "failed",
    "result": "100 Passed, 1000000 Failed",
    "repository": "git://git.drupal.org/project/drupal.git",
    "branch": "8.0.x",
    "commit": "12353245",
    "issue": "https://www.drupal.org/node/2304461",
    "patch": "https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2304461-86.patch",
    "tags": [
        "Drupal 8",
    "environment": {
        "php": "php5.4",
        "db": "mysql"
  • id: Created by Results when the job is first created.
  • title: Title of the test run, comes from d.o.
  • jobtype: The test type to run. e.g. 'simpletest', 'phpunit'...
  • repository: Repository to test against.
  • branch: Branch of the repository to check out.
  • commit: Hash of specific commit to check against.
  • patch: File name of patch to apply to the branch of the repository.
  • status: String indicating build phase.
  • result: Pass/fail.
  • environment: Specific PHP versions and database types to test against.



We use Phing as a build tool for this project. Please install Phing via the following instructions:



We have a single task for this project that runs a series of steps. These range from preparation steps to testing. To run this build run the following command:

$ phing


Still to be implemented properly. Added to this project in an early release form.

Vagrant is very handy. If you do not run Docker natively the following VM will provide a method for debugging and building and executing of containers locally.

Install Vagrant (1.6.x):

Spin up a VM with Docker with the following command:

$ vagrant up


Capistrano is a great tool for deployment web applications.


Capistrano can be installed via bundler (http://bundler.io). Run the following command:

bundle install --path vendor/bundle

To deploy to the DEV run the following command:

$ bundle exec cap dev deploy

To deploy to the PROD run the following command:

$ bundle exec cap prod deploy



Puppet and Librarian Puppet can be installed via bundler (http://bundler.io). Check out the following script:


Project information

  • Created by jthorson on , updated