This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This PHP extension for Drupal 7 currently adds C implementations to the frequently used check_plain and drupal_static Drupal functions.

It is still experimental and it should not be used in production until you've thoroughly tested it. It has only been tested to work with PHP 5.3.2, however, it should work with PHP 5.2 as well. Test with a new Drupal installation first. If something goes wrong with drupal_static, you should know it right away, since Drupal will break if it's malfunctioning.


  1. Download, extract, and run phpize in the extension's directory.
  2. Run ./configure;make;make test
    If all tests passed then proceed by running make install.
  3. Restart your web server to load the new extension.
  4. Copy drupal_ext.patch to your Drupal's root directory
  5. Go to Drupal's root directory and apply the patch with "patch -p0 < drupal_ext.patch"

Project information

  • Created by dhthwy on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
