Provides dummy queues to help testing and developing queue modules.

The module provides three numbered sets of queues named as:

  • devel_queue_N
  • devel_queue:N


For each queue, the following configuration variables are read:

  • devel_queue_worker_N_quiet: Boolean (default: FALSE). Configures if the queue worker's function will dump the payload contents.
  • devel_queue_worker_N_throw_exception: Boolean (default: FALSE). Makes the queue worker function to always throw an exception, as if it was a failing item. Requires 'quiet' to be false.
  • devel_queue_N_time: Integer (default: unset)
  • devel_queue_N_skip_on_cron: Boolean (default: FALSE)

Last two settings above map to hook_cron_queue_info() queue options.

'Infinite' queues

Coupled with the HookedQueue module, this module also provides three numbered queues ('devel_queue_infinite_N') which enqueue and dequeue items as usual, but also feature 'fake' item generation when items are requested (claimed) and no 'real' items are left in queue.

To use them, make sure that you set 'devel_queue_infinite_N' queue's backend to 'HookedQueue' in settings.php:

$conf['queue_class_devel_queue_infinite_1'] = 'HookedQueue';

You can also configure the following configuration variables:

  • devel_queue_infinite_N_random_bytes: Integer (default: 256). Length of 'random_bytes' fake item's payload field.
  • devel_queue_infinite_N_usleep: Long (default: 500000). Milliseconds to usleep() on each fake item.

Project information
