
This module is heavily inspired from Mini Layouts.


Install as usual.


- >= 2.0.1 Gin support
- Create dashboards with layout builder.
- Possibility personalize dashboards per user.
- All dashboards are config entities and exportable.
- Add a new plugin base for dashboards components.
- Integration into drupal toolbar.
- Chart integration for dashboards plugins.
- Example plugins for statistics.
- Plugins for display embed views.
- RSS Plugin

Matomo module

Display various reports with charts.

Webform module

Display various reports with charts.

Known issues

Apply following patch to show dashboards in admin theme.
Only Drupal 8.8
#3005403: Cannot delete or edit a block that is placed in a section of the layout_builder

There is a issue with Layout builder Restrictions < 2.2 . Layouts could not be saved if this module is enabled.
#3097098: Unable to save layout changes for Mini Layouts section storage plugins. Apply Patch 11, so layout could be saved.

With version 2.2 all should work correct.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
