Converse.js private chat room with OTR enabled.
Converse.js multi-user chat room

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

ConverseJS is the most advanced and fastest chatroom module for Drupal.

For a quick start, see the QUICKSTART.txt file which is included in this module.
For more information, read README.txt.


This is "Quick demo" and does not show all features of this module.


This module is a fully featured bridge between drupal and converse.js library, an advanced XMPP (Jabber) chat client for your website.

Converse.js is an open source webchat client, that runs in the browser and can be integrated into any website.
It's similar to Facebook chat, but also supports multi-user chatrooms.
Converse.js can connect to any accessible XMPP/Jabber server, either from a public provider such as, or to one you have set up yourself.

It's possible to enable single-site-login, whereby users already authenticated in your website will also be automatically logged in on the chat server, but you will have to pre-authenticate them on your server.


The original converse.js library includes the following features (according to its official docs):

  • Single-user chat
  • Multi-user chat in chatrooms (XEP-0045)
  • vCard support (XEP-0054)
  • Service discovery (XEP-0030)
  • Contact rosters
  • Manually or automically subscribe to other contacts
  • Accept or decline contact requests
  • Roster item exchange (XEP-0144)
  • Chat statuses (online, busy, away, offline)
  • Custom status messages
  • Typing notifications
  • Third person messages (/me )
  • Translated into multiple languages (af, de, en, es, fr, he, hu, id, it, ja, nl, pt_BR, ru)
  • Off-the-record encryption (via OTR.js)

This module provides all of the above features and all other options which converse.js provides and are not listed above.

This module also provides some advanced extrea features and capabilities:

  • Splitted and separated javascript libraries for better integration with Drupal
  • Pre-Authenticate users into chat room on page load via ajax
  • Built-in proxy (to overcome Same-Origin-Policy restrictions)
    It seems that this module works fine even without enabling the
    Built-in proxy, however built-in proxy can be used for some advanced tasks
    and can provide better integration between Drupal and converse.js
    Built-in proxy needs some configuration before it can be used.
    please read docs for this.
  • Integrate with tokens.
  • Integrate with rules (NOT AVAILABLE YET)

NOTE: For detailed information about installation, configuration and usage of this module, please read the README.txt which is included in this module.

If you would like to support this project, please donate with PayPal.

Project information
