
Mask parts of your content for certain users based on their role or UID. The module adds the content_mask shortcode for defining parts that should be masked, e.g.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac ligula non augue scelerisque dapibus vel et ante. Pellentesque volutpat nibh ut ipsum bibendum euismod. Ut nibh nisi, aliquam sed ornare eu, hendrerit quis nunc. Nam vel nunc sed erat dapibus accumsan id eget nunc.

[content_mask uid="1"]
Mauris ornare augue ac augue tempor auctor. Praesent justo ligula, convallis quis semper a, eleifend ut mi. Etiam eleifend aliquet quam, accumsan eleifend erat vestibulum at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

[content_mask role="editor|administrator"]
Praesent rutrum, ligula vitae porta faucibus, nunc ante consequat est, in imperdiet eros odio vitae nunc.

The module uses Wordpress's shortcode regex as base for handling the masked


  • Filter


  1. Enable the module.
  2. Go to admin > configuration > content authoring > text formats.
  3. Click on a text format you would like to have content_mask support.
  4. Enable the content mask filter by clicking the checkbox.
  5. Add the content_mask shortcode on any content with the configured text format.

Project information
