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This module integrates Drupal 8 with Constant Contact an email marketing solution. By using this module, site users are able to easily register their email to a list of available Constant Contact emailing listings.


Using constant_contact_block involves carrying out the following steps. If you don't have a Constant Contact account, one can easily be created from the Constant Contact platform.

Set the following in Constant Contact Block configuration page (admin/config/constant_contact_block/constantcontantconfig)

  1. Create a developer's account on Constant contact if you don't have one and get an api key and a client secret.
  2. Set list source (local or remote). By default remote is enabled. If local is selected, you will need to import the Constant Contact lists (admin/constant_contact/import)
  3. Set Constant Contact base url:
  4. Set the redirect url to: http://localhost/constant_contact_block/getCode. Change localhost to reflect your sites domain.
  5. Set Auth request url to:
  6. Authorize the site to import or communicate with Constant Contact (constant_contact_block/get_auth)
  7. Create a Contact Contact block(s) and place them anywhere on a page


  • supports creation of new email list
  • supports registration of email to selected number of email lists
  • supports the ability to import email lists from Constant Contact and store them locally
  • allows for one to select a remote Constant Contact platform or local list source
  • allows for the addition of extra fields (first name, last name, company e.t.c) in the form. These fields can be defined in constant_contact_block.fields.yml file. Customizable fields can be found in the Constant Contact Developer v2 api documentation.


Download the module running the following shell command from you project root (at the composer.json file level):

  1. $ composer require "drupal/constant_contact_block"
  2. Enable the module
    using Drush: $ drush en constant_contact_block
    using drupal console: $ drupal module:install constant_contact_block or
    the website back-end/administration interface;


Development version of the module is available on the github link below:

Project information
