
The module provides a permission that allows users (usually site builders) to edit translations of configration that they already have edit access to.

Drupal Core provides the config_translation module which can be used to translate - you guessed it - configuration. For example the page slogan, the content type names, field labels etc. To do so, a user needs the translate configuration permission:

Translate configuration
Translate any configuration including those shipped with modules and themes.

This is awesome, until you have configuration that you don't want your users to be allowed to translate. Since this is a all-or-nothing type of permission, you're on your own to create custom access code, grant global translation permissions, or deny all translation. This module provides the additional "Translate editable configuration" (translate editable configuration) permission, which allows the user to add and edit translations for any configuration routes where they can already edit the original configuration. This includes config provided by core, contrib or custom modules.

Need an example?

Mary, the junior site builder, creates a new content type "Project". Since the Drupal site is multilingual, she needs to translate the bundle name and its fields. However, she doesn't have access to "Translate configuration". With this module, she will be able to do so!

John, the client, has been provided a custom module where he can configure some links to reach localized support. They've recently added a new language, for which he needs to add an email address. Since he has access to that module's configuration, he can add this translation on his own, without relying on your developers or support.


No additional modules or libraries are required.


The initial development of this project has been sponsored by werk21 GmbH.


Drupal Core's "Configuration Translation" (config_translation) module.

Supporting organizations: 
Funding of initial development

Project information
