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This module is the missing link between product displays and products. It allows you to hard link each product type with a node display. Once the configuration is done this module will automatically create a node display when you create a product. The edit link for nodes that have been linked will also present the product edit form instead of the node edit form.

For simple drupal commerce sites this module removes the trouble of explaining the product display manager since it does everything for you.

If you correctly configure the permissions for a certain role your customer will not even notice that the node displays and products are different. Just remove the create node type permission and it won't show up.

Currently add and edit are implemented, delete is still todo.


  • Set up a product type
  • Set up a product display, which means having a content type with a product reference field with cardinality 1.
  • Link the product with the product display at admin/commerce/products/displays
  • Start adding products

The commerce auto product display module provides similar functionality.

Development of this module was sponsored by Desk02.

Project information
