chart 7.x-1.0

New features
Bug fixes

git log --oneline ad71ba1e54dc4be18e5429e664c21f39db095a3c..

64e8cc1 Update README.txt.
6c6154a Document hook_chart_color_schemes() and hook_chart_color_schemes_alter().
d7943db Cleanup chart_color_schemes().
6599d36 Remove CHANGELOG.txt.
704c59e Follow Drupal constant formatting guidlines.
fb2836d Improve chart_build() error handling.
582594d Attempt at better documentation of chart array keys.
35188b5 Add API documentation for hook_chart_alter().
4df454d Update system charts for new theme('chart').
2d01a19 Much improved chart_build().
fe4e7b1 Move chart_views/includes/views to chart_views/views.
055be5f Update chart_views for views 7.x-3.x.
ede7b42 Make module descriptions consistent.
5f58964 Replace static references with drupal_static().
48ef1a3 Add 'QR code' to chart_types() [missed in previous commit].
d0d8b2d Replace chart_render() with theme_chart() and improve internal chart building.
fe97aa0 Move system_charts out of contrib directory and into root.
2a45ebf #876044: Convert database queries to DBTNG.
3fc0b8a #463200: Add QR Code Chart Type.
625c079 Implement theme function for chart.
eaf7433 Remove extra spaces.
335eeb8 Replace drupal_query_string_encode() with drupal_http_build_query().
33efe7f Move chart settings under media category.
fe588c1 Followup style changes.
5cb89ec Followup API changes.
e31582a Automated api upgrade changes.
13719f3 Initial automated style cleanup.

Complete diff:

chart 6.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

SimpleTest 6.x-1.3, 2010-11-16
* #518446: correct chart_unique_color() schema logic.
* Correct data encoding logic for a "NULL" entry, as it is confused by 0.
- Changes:
* #401422 by quickcel: support Google-o-meter chart type.
* #518444: clean up notices.
* #518458: clean up white-space.
* Update .info files.
* #518466: correct comment block spacing.
* Correct CVS ID comments in info files.

chart 5.x-1.2

New features

- Patch #1 by Kehan: Adds mapping capabilities via the #countries & #georange array keys, as well as the CHART_TYPE_MAP constant

chart 5.x-1.1-1

Bug fixes

- Fixed bug with always assigning adjust_resolution to true when it is set at all.

chart 5.x-1.1-0

New features

feature: statically cache generated charts.
feature: chart_url();

chart 5.x-1.0-1

Bug fixes

fix: re-wrote a few queries which relied on MySQL specific functions, should no longer break PostgreSQL.

fix: wrapped a few strings missing t();

misc: more documentation

chart 5.x-1.0-0

New features

feature: mixed_axis_label(); accepts arrays
feature: mixed axis label positions

chart 5.x-1.0-rc3

New features

Feature: support for mixed axis labels and mixed axis label positioning.

chart 5.x-1.0-rc2

Bug fixes

code styling
system_charts ignoring user uid 0
refactored chart_copy();

chart 5.x-1.0-beta2

New features

Encoding formats have been removed to for accessability issues of this module. Text is now the only encoding format for the moment, #adjust_resolution will overcome large or small dataset resolution issues

chart 5.x-1.0-beta

BETA 1 release. Provides near-complete API functionality but still needs testing.

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