Provides generic functions that are commonly used and provides functions that deal with common mistakes or common problems in Drupal.

This is intended to be used as a library by modules or from inline php scripts.

This library contains a collection of miscellaneous tools that attempt to help make programing in drupal easier without sacrificing security or user-experience. One of the major problems addressed by this module is that of safely handling php variables and reporting problems without costing the user-experience. Many of the other functions provided by this library are common issues that are not necessarily common enough to be added to drupal core or were removed from drupal core. Every function or group of functions have the reasons for their implementation in the comments of the code.

Version 1.x provides a "good enough" implementation. There are probably more efficient solutions, but the library is functional.

Version 2.x will provide an object-oriented toolkit of functions.

As of 1.x, Common Functionality Provides:
- A '$user' variable that is up to date and safe from accidental writes.
- A way to represent CRUD through a single integer for database optimization.
- An error reporting system for recording php failures in the watchdog with a call stack history without spamming the users screen.
- A set of functions for manually and properly creating a node.
- A set of functions for loading user-specific data that does not have a drupal api function to do so.
- A way to embed remote pages such that they appear to be part of the website.
- A standardized way to populate pages meta tags and css variables in a dynamic manner such that modules can override while being independent of a given theme.
- The ability for appropriately privileged users to see unpublished nodes in a menu.
- A way to dynamically change the php memory limit based on role, user id, or ip address.

#D7AX - I pledge to make this module as accessible as it can be. If you find any flaws, please submit an issue. Help me fix them if you can.

Project information
