This Drupal module implements a client based on the B-Translator API. For more info about B-Translator see: For more details about B-Translator API see: and


  1. Put these lines on the make file of your profile:
    projects[btrclient][version] = "1.x-dev"

    For example, if you have installed the standard Drupal profile create the file standard.make with a content like this:

    api = 2
    core = 7.x
    defaults[projects][subdir] = "contrib"
    projects[btrclient][version] = "1.x-dev"
  2. Install drush_remake: drush dl drush_remake
  3. Run the drush command remake to download all the required components (modules, libraries, etc.): drush remake standard
  4. Make sure that the module libraries is installed: drush en libraries
  5. Install the module btrClient (all its dependencies will be installed as well): drush en btrClient
  6. Optionally, install also the feature bcl_disqus (to add support for disqus comments) and one of the features bcl_service_links or bcl_sharethis (for sharing to social networks).


Set the B-Translator Server URL on admin/config/bcl/client, and set the OAuth2 Login parameters (Client ID and Client Secret) on admin/config/bcl/oauth2_login. You have to register first an oauth2 client on the B-Translator server.

Project information

  • Created by dashohoxha on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
