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Bookit is a module that helps you offer bookable items. Hotels, Apartments, Villas, even Theater tickets etc.

Fully integrated with Views and Drupal Commerce!

Configuration and Usage

To configure, follow the steps:

  1. Create booking types. E.g. single room, double room (for hotels), 1st row seats, 2nd row seats (for theaters) etc.
  2. Create a content type that will reference the bookable items. E.g. hotel, theater etc. You can have multiple nodes of this type so you can manage multiple hotels or theaters.
  3. Add an entity reference field on the content type you created that will reference the bookable items that you created in step 1. Set the display formatter as "Booking Form".
  4. Set availability and price for each bookable item per day.
  5. Users can search for available rooms for the specific dates they need searching all website's hotels and rooms at /booking/ e.g. at /booking/hotel.
  6. Users can search for available rooms for the specific dates they need searching a particular hotel at the hotel's node page. E.g. /node/1.
  7. Start taking orders!
  8. View availability from the node calendar tab. Color code goes like this: Green means that item is enabled for booking for the specific day, Red means that item is disabled for booking for the specific day and Yellow means that item is enabled for booking for the specific day but is missing availability or price. You can enable or disable items for booking by clicking on them.


Live website using the BookIt module:


Developed by Netstudio.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
