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About the Project

Block Queue solves one of the major shortcomings of Drupal block management: the ability to easily re-use blocks in different regions, on different pages, with arbitrary ordering.

Block Queue allows users to create "queues" of blocks much like Nodequeue allows to create queues of nodes: by adding arbitrary blocks to the queue and ordering them any way necessary. Queue size can be limited.

Queues are exposed as blocks and can be easily included in Drupal regions.


Branch 7.x

The 7.x-1.x branch is a fully rewritten version of the 6.x-1.x branch using CTools mecanisms.

Features supported:

  • Import / Export using CTools pages
  • Features exposed
  • Fine grained permissions
  • Improve dependencies when exposed to Features
  • Create it's own preprocess render
  • Create suggestion patterns for blocks

Available on 7.x-1.x-dev:

  • No pending devs

Todo list:

  • Support for visibility block settings
  • Test with Authcache

Branch 6.x

The 6.x-1.x branch is feature-locked and will only add security updates.


Sponsored by The World Bank (6.x-1.x only)
Maintained by Actualys

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
