publication options
Iterative publication of nodes
Inherit publicastion from other node
Publish from date to date
publish node on a specific date

Advanced scheduling field.

This field allows content editors to do advanced un/publishing.
This works on production on several (>5) radio stations' websites in Belgium. This is a performant module.

There currently are following modes


  • publish from a specific date(+time)
  • publish from a specific date(+time) unpublish on another date(+time)
  • iterate publication (publish every monday from 2 - 4 until end date)
  • iterate publication (publish every monday from 2 - 4 for X times)


  • Schedule publication from tomorrow till next week.
  • Schedule a node every day from 2-4 (iterative)
  • Make a node have the same publication schedule as the node from previous example (inheritance)


- schedule publication (most simple behavior)
- schedule publication and depublication
- schedule (cron like) daily publication from/to a specific time
- schedule weekly de/publication of a node
- schedule monthly de/publication of a node
- schedule daily publication of a node on only weekdays 1,3,5
- schedule daily publication of a node on only days of month 1,2,3,4
- schedule daily publication of a node , on weekdays until a iteration count has been reached
- schedule daily publication of a node , on mondays until a date is reached
- schedule daily publication of a node , on mondays for an infinite amount of time.


Infinite scheduling
Schedule some daily/weekly publication until the end of times.


You'll need a running cron + elysia cron (for D7).
If you want publication on the minute, make sure your (elysia) cron runs every minute, it'll only do actions that need to be done.


This module depends on Timepicker (for fine grained publication control:

Production Ready

We have this module running in production on 5+ major radio stations websites.

Project information
