Argue is community software (a Drupal distribution) that allows you to develop contracts* collaboratively and transparently. Argue is (similar to the question/answer portal StackOverflow) geared towards finding the best contract in the longer term by continuously improving inadequate contractual provisions in the experience process.

(* With „contract“ all known types of compilation of paragraphs or practical rules are meant, such as house rules, association statutes, purchase contracts, usage contracts, laws, ...)

The idea of Argue

In a free society or community in which everyone is asked to help shape it with innovative ideas and personal commitment, legally binding contracts are an indispensable instrument. - For many visions, contracts create the basis of trust that makes them possible. Argue is the round table at which all contracting parties sit down to work out their contract together. The software reduces precisely this type of communication to basic forms, which is necessary for the factual discussion and clarification of contractual agreements.

How it works?

  • Problems that require contractual regulation can be formulated - and one or more proposed solutions in the form of rules or contractual clauses can be introduced for each problem.
  • The proposed solutions will be debated in the form of pro and contra arguments.
  • The contractual clauses can be optimized with change requests that can be voted on.
  • When all arguments have been disclosed, and all accepted change requests are applied, a voting will decide if a contractual clause should come into force and will be adopted in the next contract version.


It is strictly recommended to install Argue with composer. You need to install PHP (>=7.3), MySQL, GIT and Composer (>=2.0) on your server or local environmet.

To setup a new project, just enter the following line to your CLI or terminal.
composer create-project jfeltkamp/argue-project -s dev <your-project-name>

When the software download and scaffold is finished, you can run the site install with drush from the docroot folder:
../bin/drush si argue
or with your browser by calling your host (that routes to the docroot folder).

Project information

  • Created by JFeltkamp on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    There are currently no supported stable releases.
