Browser interactive spreadsheet type grid
Diff compare example grid
Weekly expense demo with auto calculation columns and rows


This module allows Drupal Form API to use the ag-Grid open source library for the JSON saving of grid-like data. A new field is added which utilizes a JSON field type with the database. MySQL information on 5.7.8+ JSON field type

Note: Multi-cell select and copy/paste are only available on the Enterprise edition.

What is the ag-Grid library?

The ag-Grid library itself is open source and has two versions. These include Community, support provided only by the community, and Enterprise, paid but provides full support and a few extra important ag-Grid abilities. See the ag-Grid github page with features, issues, and any source code. with also items marked for the Enterprise only edition.

While ag-Grid itself has many features, the aggrid module is not utilizing all of them.

Notes from Maintainer:

I am not affiliated with the ag-Grid library as this agGrid module was created for use in my own project. Any issues, questions, and/or new features for the ag-Grid library will have to be handled in accordance to the ag-Grid website. ag-Grid Licensing and Pricing

Read the module documentation for installation and other instructions. This module will now function by default / initial install using a CDN, but it is recommended that you download the library to your server. Please note: What I consider to be the best features, like cell multi-select and copy/paste back and forth with Excel is only available on the Enterprise edition.

**Enterprise Edition can be enabled in Drupal settings for ag-Grid, but you will see errors in js console.

After installation/enabling of module, make sure you run "drush aggrid:download" in order to install the latest ag-Grid Library files. Drush 9+ is required for this... otherwise, you must download the files manually. See the error on your configuration page for further details. After enabling, you will also find a new ag-Grid related item under Drupal Configuration. This is where you can set ag-Grid for Community/Enterprise and add a license key.

Please see ag-Grid website for items more specific to the ag-Grid library like demos, files, documentation, Enterprise license/support, and other information.

Major changes for RC

Moving to Drupal 10 ready
Changing over to composer for download ag-grid instead of Drush *removed

Composer Instructions

- Make sure these are added to your composer.json
composer require wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin composer/installers

- Edit the "composer.json" file of your website and under the "extra": { section add:

"merge-plugin": {
            "include": [

** Note - May need to modify the include based on your site implementation from root.

- Re-run composer to include the required libraries

composer update drupal/aggrid --with-dependencies

Project information
