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Provides ActiveCampaign integration for Drupal 9.

ActiveCampaign is a proprietary CRM, and highly available email automation system. This module makes it easy to send data to ActiveCampaign, display data from ActiveCampaign through dashboards on the site and embed ActiveCampaign forms in content types / layout builder.


Base module

  • Embed ActiveCampaign forms in layout builder.
  • Embed an ActiveCampaign form in content types using a custom ActiveCampaign field.


  1. ActiveCampaign dashboard: Provides three dashboard pages to display ActiveCampaign data.
    • Page one: campaign information
    • Page two: contact information
    • Page three: list information
  2. ActiveCampaign webform: Send webform data to ActiveCampaign, using a custom webform handler.

View Readme file for Installation and Configuration instructions.

Project Status


A major rewrite is currently underway for the D10 version of the module, more info can be found on the roadmap ticket.

Known problems

The custom yaml mapping is not yet working properly, sometimes the data is sent incorrectly. The use of this functionality is therefore at your own risk. If the reason is found I am open to solve this problem.


Drupal 9 version:
Developed by dtfabio and svdhout

Maintained by dtfabio and tim-diels

Sponsored by Calibrate NV

Drupal 7 version:
Developed by deggertsen.

Maintained by tim-diels.

Sponsored by The Freedom Catalyst.

Help wanted!

Patches welcome! I commit to review and commit all working patches that make sense for general use.

ActiveCampaign Newsletter Sign up - Provides a newsletter signup form integration for ActiveCampaign. While this module is also an ActiveCampaign integration, it provides completely different functionality.

Drupal 7 version

The Drupal 7 module will still be supported, but only in the form of bug fixes.

Supporting organizations: 
D7 development
D9 development and support, D7 support

Project information
