
I have a weird problem, yesterday everything worked fine with addtoany, today I added taxonomy and a tagcloud to my drupal site. Suddenly my addtoany didn't hover anymore. When loading the pages firebug gives a error :

da2a is not defined...

I tried few patches, none of them worked ( http://drupal.org/node/884404, http://drupal.org/node/899418, http://drupal.org/node/843068 )

The weird thing is, when i'm logged in as admin, the dropdown works. You can see the error on the page : ( http://120787.testvds.com/itjobs4you/ )

I've noticed a difference between the normal pages and the admin pages:

Normal pages ( dropdown doesn't work ):

       <div id="block-addtoany-0" class="arbitrary-block clear-block block block-addtoany">
    <div class="content">
        <a class="da2a_button" href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2F120787.testvds.com%2Fitjobs4you%2Fnl%2Fhome&amp;linkname=Home" id="da2a_2"><img src="/itjobs4you/modules/addtoany/images/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" height="16" alt="Share this"/></a>

Admin pages ( dropdown works ) :

       <div id="block-addtoany-0" class="arbitrary-block clear-block block block-addtoany">
    <div class="content">

        <a class="da2a_button" href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2F120787.testvds.com%2Fitjobs4you%2Fnl&amp;linkname=itjobs4you.be" id="da2a_1"><img src="/itjobs4you/modules/addtoany/images/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" height="16" alt="Share this"/></a>
        <script type="text/javascript">
var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}, da2a = {ready: false, html_ready: false, script_ready: false, script_onready: function() { da2a.script_ready = true; if(da2a.html_ready)da2a.init(); }}; a2a_config.tracking_callback = ['ready', da2a.script_onready];
(function(){var a = document.createElement('script');a.type = 'text/javascript';a.async = true;a.src = 'http://static.addtoany.com/menu/page.js';var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(a, s);})();

Does anyone know why this is happening? Why the difference between normal pages and admin pages exist?



niels.sterckx@gmail.com’s picture

Category: support » bug
niels.sterckx@gmail.com’s picture

BTW : Dropdown also works when you go to the taxonomy links, totally weird :-(

BroadlineCable’s picture

I'm also having the same error. I fixed the da2a error but the drop down still doesn't work.

niels.sterckx@gmail.com’s picture

Solution found:

I created a block with the button code that you can find on the AddToAny website:


Good luck

micropat’s picture

sterckx, I was just about to say that it seems to be working on your site! I tried various taxonomy settings locally but couldn't reproduce the issue.

Can you tell me what tagcloud module you are using? I'd love to pinpoint the problem.

@BroadlineCable are you using a WYSIWYG editor module? Can you provide any more details?

micropat’s picture

Title: AddToAny only hovers at admin pages » AddToAny menu only displays on admin pages
Status: Active » Closed (cannot reproduce)

Would love to troubleshoot. If anyone else has this problem, please post.

jangolden’s picture

Hi, I am currently having this issue. Addtoany hover only works on admin pages.
Was working a few days ago, but yesterday the site was down all day due to hosting issues with the server.
Just getting ready to dig into this. Any help would be appreciated!
UPDATE: disabling block caching in admin/settings/performance fixed this issue for us.

alveoten’s picture

Version: 6.x-3.3 » 7.x-3.1

with the last version and the js on the bottom of the page I have the same problem. putting js into the header resolve the issue but regress the site performance.

resolved with some modify to the addtoany.module

drupal_add_js($javascript_header, array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'header'));
drupal_add_js($javascript_footer, array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer'));
drupal_add_js($javascript_header."  ".$javascript_footer, array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer'));
creatile’s picture

My JS is already on top of the page and I have the same problem: The menu doesn't dropdown when I hover the button

This problem only occurs when addtoany is in a block. I have other pages where it works.

It also work when I empty the cache. Then when I reload the page the problem comes back