query: INSERT INTO trackback_received (trid, nid, created, site, name, subject, url, excerpt, status) VALUES (0, 235, 1160418045, '', 'qcxhhanjw', 'yteawugq', 'http://blog.rgwnzbyw.com/rkfskimk', 'dmtpejjw rnrfatljxm tdeoiztats otqwwkncsc ', 1) in /www/default/drupal-4.7.3/includes/database.pgsql.inc on line 103.

which from a psql prompt gives :

drupal_47=# INSERT INTO trackback_received (trid, nid, created, site, name, subject, url, excerpt, status) VALUES (0, 235, 1160418045, '', 'qcxhhanjw', 'yteawugq', 'http://blog.rgwnzbyw.com/rkfskimk', 'dmtpejjw rnrfatljxm tdeoiztats otqwwkncsc ', 1);
ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "trackback_received_pkey"

As I also see :

pg_query() [function.pg-query]: Query failed: ERROR: relation "trackback_received_trid_seq" does not exist in /www/default/drupal-4.7.3/includes/database.pgsql.inc on line 84.

I'm assuming the creation script(s) run when installing the module did not create the sequence necessary.


zorac’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed
Anonymous’s picture

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)