Hi guys I was wondering if its possible to access the php.ini from webmin because I tried threw FTP and i got no rights to write to that file. However I do have root access to my virtual server. Can anyone tell me how to get to that file?

I also have access to Apache's configuration file.

I want to enable GD2 so my image compression works!


timtak’s picture

That is just what I wanted to ask. I think that I have figured it out. Use the command line in webmin to cd etc then chmod a+wr php.ini (which will give everyone permission to read and write the file) then change php.ini using ftp and the "Apply changes" (restarting apache) then chmod php.ini back to something safe.
Make sure you do not restart apache by pressing "stop apache" because you will not get the chance to turn it on again via a virtual web server!