context_menu_block 7.x-3.1

Bug fixes

Patch by keynone to resolve multi-language problem. This is tried and tested enough to be considered stable.

context_menu_block 7.x-3.1-beta3

Bug fixes

$context can sometimes be NULL, although this problem is "foreign" to this module, it should be robust as to when such situations happen.

context_menu_block 6.x-3.0

This is the final release of Context: Menu Block 6.x-3.0. It contains no new changes from 6.x-3.0-rc2. Yay, final release!

context_menu_block 7.x-3.1-beta2

Bug fixes

This release fixes a potential issue where the Drupal installer might not continue if Context: Menu Block is present.

Complete changelog:

context_menu_block 6.x-3.0-rc2

Bug fixes

This release fixes an issue where the Drupal installer would not continue if Context: Menu Block is present.

Note: Context: Menu Block will no longer function with Context 2 enabled. To continue using its functionality, upgrade to Context 3.

Complete changelog:

context_menu_block 7.x-3.1-beta1

Bug fixes

This is the first release of Context: Menu Block for Drupal 7.

The port from Drupal 6 was minor, so this release is recommended for all users upgrading their sites from Drupal 6 to 7. It will remain in beta until Context receives a stable release for Drupal 7.

context_menu_block 6.x-3.0-rc1

Bug fixes

This release contains documentation updates and removes support for Context 2. It is intended to be the last release before a 6.x-3.0 final release.

Note: Context: Menu Block will no longer function with Context 2 enabled. To continue using its functionality, upgrade to Context 3.

Complete changelog:

context_menu_block 6.x-3.0-beta3

Bug fixes

This release includes minor bug fixes for Context: Menu Block.

Complete changelog:

context_menu_block 6.x-3.0-beta2

Bug fixes

This release includes logic to determine which version of Context is available and act appropriately. Context: Menu Block 6.x-3.0-beta2 now supports both Context 2 and Context 3.

Note: as of this release, the 6.x-2.x branch is no longer supported. All users of Context: Menu Block are encouraged to upgrade to 6.x-3.0-beta2.

Complete changelog:

context_menu_block 6.x-3.x-dev

Initial development release of the 6.x-3.x-dev branch. Requires Context version 6.x-3.x.

context_menu_block 6.x-2.x-dev

Initial development release of the 6.x-2.x-dev branch. Requires Context version 6.x-2.x.

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