From the support mailing list:

On Sat, 27 Mar 2004, Jeremy Andrews wrote:

>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to figure out how to efficiently view an entire vocabulary.
>> For example, if a vocabulary with an id of 2 has terms with id's
>> "1,5,7,12,54,123', I can view the whole vocabulary as follows:
>> taxonomy/view/or/1,5,7,12,54,123
>> But what I'd prefer is something like:
>> taxonomy/view/vocabulary/2
>> While I'm at it, I'm also looking for something to display _all_ terms
>> from all vocabularies, such as:
>> taxonomy/view/all

aka sitemap?

>> The actual path is not so important, as I can rewrite it with url
>> aliasing. However, I'm dealing with so many terms that they won't fit in
>> the url aliasing form: I need something more efficient.
>> Does something like this exist in taxonomy?

No, there doesn't AFAIR. IMHO it should be added. I also would like to
be able to browse taxonomy by node type. A patch for this was posted


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Chris Johnson’s picture

Further clarification from Drupal support mailing list. I'm in favor of this feature, and believe it to be a highly useful addition. It's something I've wanted on a number of sites.

Jeremy Andrews writes:

I'm looking for a way to view an entire vocabulary, without listing each
of the terms. Also, a way to view a term and all its children. For
example, if we have:

Food (Vocabulary ID: 3)
- Vegetables (Term ID: 5)
- Lettuce (Term ID: 9)
- Tomato (Term ID: 2)
- Onion (Term ID: 12)
- Meat (Term ID 6)
- Chicken (Term ID: 16)
- Fish (Term ID: 14)

There is no obvious patter to the term id's. But I'd like to be able to
do a few things...

View entire vocabulary (or multiple vocabularies):

Currently this would have to be done as follows

I'd also like to be able to view all vegetables:

(Instead of taxonomy/page/or/2,5,9,12)

Or all meat and vegetables:

I suppose I'll have to write a patch... ;) Is there interest in this?
Or am I the only one that thinks it would be useful?


Anonymous’s picture

I second this idea.
The taxonomy view should be able to display in alpha order.
How else can a contributor find where to insert a new node?

Jeremy’s picture

1.34 KB

The attached patch allows two new taxonomy searches:

The first is by vocabulary id. For example, to view all nodes with terms in vocabularies 1,2 or 7, you can go to:

Or, conversely, to view all nodes that have terms in vocabularies 1,2 and 7, you can go to:

The second new search is recursive, specify a term id and it will return nodes comprised of that term and all its children:

See earlier in this thread for more detail.

How it works:
if 'vocab', builds list of all tids in that vocab, then passes list to existing display logic.
if 'children', builds list of all children tids, then passes list to existing display logic.

jhriggs’s picture


My only request would be to use 'vocabulary' rather than 'vocab'. Nothing else (taxonomy, children, etc.) is abbreviated. Let's be consistent.

kika’s picture

> taxonomy/vocab/or/1,2,7

why not use full name eg


you do not use "taxo", don't you? :)’s picture

Thanks Jeremy!

There was a very recent thread where someone was looking for this feature. I'd like to see it implemented as well. I'll try it out when I get home.’s picture

Jeremy’s picture

1.42 KB

Updated patch.
- fixed bug which caused error if entered invalid vid
- renamed 'vocab' to 'vocabulary'

Jeremy’s picture

When implementing my patch on I realized that 'taxonomy/children' only displays immediate children, not all descendants.

In other words, take the following example vocabulary:

- a (1)
-- a1 (2)
--- a1a (4)
--- a1b (5)
-- a2 (3)
--- a2a (6)
--- a2b (7)

Using the new children option to display a and its children:
Is currently synonymous with:

I'll submit another patch to fix this as soon as I have time, which will make the earlier 'children' query synonymous with:
The fix is simple, just recursively finding all children's nids.

JonBob’s picture

I don't know why I didn't discover this conversation earlier; I wrote a patch for this ages ago which might be of interest.

Also see Al Maw's version of the patch:

Jeremy’s picture

Your patch appears to provide an alternative way to do a similar thing. ie, you extend 'or' and 'and' with 'below'. So if I understand correctly, to list all children of the term with a tid of 4:


The two things missing then compared to my patch would appear to be:
1) the ability to 'and'/'or' the children
2) the ability to list an entire vocabulary

I hope to have time to add the formentioned missing recursion to my patch, probably later today. (BTW: At first glance, it appears your patch also only list immediate descendants?)

Chris Johnson’s picture

I have a need to be able list an entire vocabulary with all descendent children, and also list just the immediate (first level below) children of a particular vocabulary (i.e. not the children of the children). It sounds like at least one of the patches does the latter.

Jeremy, how hard would it be for you to roll all of these pieces together into one patch and include a way to choose both types of lists that I described above?

Maybe something like:
taxonomy/page/or/1 to display the first level children only
taxonomy/vocabulary/or/1 to display the whole hierachy

Whatever you do, thank you very much for adding some needed functionality!

Jeremy’s picture

This could be handled by adding a depth option, defaulting to all children.

For example:

- a (1)
-- a1 (2)
--- a1a (4)
--- a1b (5)
---- a1b1 (8 )
---- a1b2 (9)
----- a1b2a (10)
----- a1b2b (11)
-- a2 (3)
--- a2a (6)
--- a2b (7)

taxonomy/children/or/1/1 would result in a, a1, a2
(the 1 at the end saying only return 1 level of children)

taxonomy/children/or/1/2 would result in a, a1, a2, a1a, a1b, a2a, a2b
(the 2 at the end saying only return 2 levels of children)

taxonomy/children/or/1/3 would result in a, a1, a2, a1a, a1b, a2a, a2b, a1b1, a1b2
(the 3 at the end saying only return 3 levels of children)

taxonomy/children/or/1 would result in 'a' and all decendants.

(no depth specified, so go to maximum depth)

If anyone has an idea for a better way to specify depth, please let me know.

Jeremy’s picture

2.27 KB

The attached patch introduces the following two queries, fully described earlier in this thread:


Both queries can be used with 'and' or 'or', followed by the ids you're looking for. Such as:


The 'children' query can be further limited to a specified depth. For example, if only looking for immediate children of a term (and the term itself) then specify a depth of 1:


Adding depth to 'children' was a logical extension of how the children list is built. Adding depth to 'vocabulary' is possible, but would require the addition of otherwise unused logic/complexity. Therefore, at this time I have not added the ability to specify the depth to 'taxonomy/vocabulary'.

What is required to get this merged into the core? It seems a very logical extension to taxonomy. If there are problems with the implementation, let me know.

Jeremy’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » Jeremy

I'll repeat my question:
"What is required to get this merged into the core? It seems a very logical extension to taxonomy. If there are problems with the implementation, let me know."

matt westgate’s picture

Does this patch also extend the capabilities of taxonomy RSS feeds? For example:


Anonymous’s picture

No, at this time it does not update the feed link. I'm still waiting for official feedback before I put any further effort into this.

(With a quick glance at the code, adding children/vocabulary support to a feed should be easy)

Helmar’s picture

Category: feature » task
2.2 KB

Jeremy, something that might be of help for those looking for a better taxonomy browser:
and source file at:


Steven’s picture

With the proposed changes for tabs, urls have been changed as well:

old: node/view/[id]
new: node/[id]/view

For consistency's sake, it might be best to adopt a similar scheme for taxonomy:


It also makes sense in light of possible future permissions changes, where access can be taxonomy based. It would keep the code centralised:
1) Determine which taxonomy items the selector selects.
2) Determine access based on selected items.
3) Perform operation.

What bugs me about the selectors is that you use two different names for essentially the same thing: select only direct descendants (depth 0), children with an arbitrary depth, or the full depth.

Couldn't these be merged into a single depth parameter which would work like this:

* - full depth
0 - only nodes with these terms
1 - nodes with these terms, or their first-level children's terms
2 - nodes with these terms, or their first- or second-level children's terms
3 - ...

The way I see it, it maps like this between the proposed patch and my idea:

taxonomy/page/or/1 (node listing, 0 depth, old drupal behaviour)
taxonomy/children/or/1/1 (node listing, 1 level deep)
taxonomy/children/or/1 (node listing, full depth)
taxonomy/children/and/1,2 (node listing, only nodes with at least 1 term descending from each of term 1 and term 2)
taxonomy/children/and/1,2/2 (node listing, only nodes with at least 1 term descending at most 2 levels deep from each of term 1 and term 2)
taxonomy/page/and/1,2 (node listing, only nodes with both terms 1 and 2)
taxonomy/feed/children/or/1/2 (RSS feed of nodes, 2 levels deep)

> taxonomy/or/1/0/page
> taxonomy/or/1/1/page
> taxonomy/or/1/*/page
> taxonomy/and/1,2/0/page
> taxonomy/and/1,2/*/page
> taxonomy/and/1,2/2/page
> taxonomy/or/1/2/feed

This is for nodes.

You also added a somewhat unrelated change: the ability to show a vocabulary on a page (taxonomy/vocabulary). This is not really related to the function above, so it makes sense to separate it, as a selector 'vocabulary'. The 'and/or' selectors select nodes based on terms, the 'vocabulary' selector would select terms based on vocabulary.
You could even extend it with a similar depth parameter, and also follow it by an [operation], for e.g. showing a simple page of the vocabulary, to showing some XML format (OPML?) for taxonomies.
In this context, it makes sense to allow for an id '*' which means 'all vocabularies', and results in a listing/feed/whatever of all vocabularies (I don't think it's useful here to allow 'and' and 'or' for vocabularies).

taxonomy/vocabulary/3 (display page showing the vocabulary's terms)
taxonomy/vocabulary/3/2 (display page showing the vocabulary's terms, up to 2 terms deep)

> taxonomy/vocabulary/3/*/page
> taxonomy/vocabulary/3/2/page
> taxonomy/vocabulary/*/*/page (show global taxonomy 'sitemap')
> taxonomy/vocabulary/*/0/page (show top level terms of vocabularies)
> taxonomy/vocabulary/3/0/feed (XML feed of the vocabulary structure, only top level terms)

The whole thing can be summarized like this:

taxonomy / [select type]/[id]/[depth] / [operation]

When [select type] = 'and' 'or': select nodes based on terms [id,id,id] up to depth [depth] (with logical AND/OR). Perform [operation] on nodes (e.g. 'page': list nodes, 'feed': give RSS feed of selected nodes, ...).

When [select type] = 'vocabulary': select all terms from vocabulary [id] up to depth [depth]. Perform [operation] on terms (e.g. 'page': show HTML page with vocabulary hierarchy, 'feed': show OPML feed of the vocabulary and its terms, ...). [id] can be '*' which selects all vocabularies.

[depth] is either a non-negative integer (0 = no descendant terms, 1 = first level children, 2 = second level children, ...) or '*' (meaning 'all children').

This system gives all taxonomy URLs a uniform format and on the plus-side, it always keeps the arguments in the same position regardless of the function. It also has a more correct "module > data > operation" flow rather than "module > operation > data".

On the downside, I realize my proposed scheme does reduce URL readability a bit, but I don't like the inconsistencies and redundancies in the current proposed patch: maybe you guys can spot some possible simplifications.

Steven’s picture

By the way, I'm changing version back to CVS: this really is a new feature which doesn't belong in the 4.4 trunk IMO.

Steven’s picture

I discussed the changes with JobBob and we agreed with the following simplifications:

- Instead of and/or as selectors, we should incorporate this in the separator used for id's. So "5+6+7" would be OR, "5,6,7" would be AND. Instead of 'and/or' we'd replace this with "terms", which fits better with the "vocabulary" selector idea. This also removes the redundancy between "or/5" and "and/5" which do the same thing.

- Instead of "*" we should use the more readable "all".

- By defining default values for 'depth' and 'operation', we can simplify the most used URLs:
* taxonomy/terms/5 would be the same as taxonomy/terms/5/0/page
* taxonomy/terms/5/all would be the same as taxonomy/terms/5/all/page
* For feeds, you'd have to use the full URL: taxonomy/terms/5/0/feed

- For depth, we can argue whether to use depth 0 or depth 1 for no children. IMO depth implies searching deeper, so depth 0 would be no children. If we use the approach of leaving out defaults, this issue becomes less important though.

Here's an updated summary:
taxonomy / [select type]/[id]/[depth] / [operation]

When [select type] = 'terms': select nodes based on terms [id] up to depth [depth]. [id] can be a list of id's: in that case, the separator determines the logical operation. "5+6+7" is OR, "5,6,7" is AND. Perform [operation] on nodes (e.g. 'page': list nodes, 'feed': give RSS feed of selected nodes, ...).

When [select type] = 'vocabulary': select all terms from vocabulary [id] up to depth [depth]. Perform [operation] on terms (e.g. 'page': show HTML page with vocabulary hierarchy, 'feed': show OPML feed of the vocabulary and its terms, ...). [id] can be '*' which selects all vocabularies.

[depth] is either a non-negative integer (0 = no descendant terms, 1 = first level children, 2 = second level children, ...) or 'all' (meaning 'all children').

When [depth] is omittted, it means "0" (no depth). When [operation] is omitted, the "page" functionality is used (show an HTML page: listing of nodes, tree of vocabulary, ...).

Jeremy’s picture

Assigned: Jeremy » Unassigned

Removing my name from the assignment -- this issue is growing farther and farther from my initial interest/focus.

moshe weitzman’s picture

looks very well thought out to me. nice work.

Dries’s picture

I'm OK with Steven's suggestion.

Stefan Nagtegaal’s picture

Please note this feature request/task, which could (probably) be done at the same time:

JonBob’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » JonBob

I will play with this and try to come up with a solid implementation.

JonBob’s picture

Category: task » feature
14.94 KB

Okay, here's a first step. Not setting to "patch" because it isn't complete. There are a couple of open issues.

The SQL to do an AND query is complicated, and I don't know how best to extend it to accommodate a depth (it becomes an AND of ORs). Any SQL gurus wish to contribute a solution?

The vocabulary pages need to be written. I stalled on this when I realized the earlier iterations of the issue had them displaying nodes, while the later asked for a term listing. What do we want? How should it be presented? The same goes with the feed; how can I find an appropriate format?

Also with regard to the vocabulary pages, an AND here doesn't seem to make sense unless we are selecting nodes. If it is to be a term listing, should we treat both separators the same way?

nedjo’s picture

Some of the functionality discussed here is available in taxonomy_context.module, namely the display of taxonomy descriptions. For an example, see the home page at The first five listings ("About Us", "Get Involved", etc.) are the top-level terms in a given vocabulary. I would see vocabulary display working similarly. When viewing a vocabulary, I'd like to see:

Vocabulary name

Vocabulary description

First-level term name 1

First-level term description 1 teaser

First-level term name 2

First-level term description 2 teaser


I'd be interested in working on integrating taxonomy_context functionality into these taxonomy.module changes. Suggestions for where I'd start?

JonBob’s picture

30.6 KB

Okay, I've resolved most of the issues by postponing them. :-)

This patch cleans up the existing taxonomy paths and adds the "depth" possibility, but does not address the "vocabulary" function. We need consensus on that before proceeding; this patch opens the door to add such a function in the future, but is complete without it.

As discussed before, the path "taxonomy/page/or/1,2" becomes "taxonomy/term/1+2" and the path "taxonomy/page/and/1,2" becomes "taxonomy/term/1,2". The most common case of listing nodes attached to a single term becomes simpler, since it doesn't require a meaningless "or" or "and". A depth of "0" is assumed, but a positive integer or "all" can be used. Feeds are available at "taxonomy/term/1+2/all/feed" and the like.

This iteration of the patch also changes the structure of taxonomy_select_nodes(), since it was not following Drupal conventions. A handful of contrib modules call this function, and will need to be updated. Instead of passing in a $taxonomy object containing parameters for the function, the parameters are passed independently. This simplifies the code quite a bit. The queries were changed to only return node IDs for speed; all results from this function are passed through node_load() anyway, so the extra information returned was discarded. The AND query was also changed to avoid the strange trick and remove an extra query, at the expense of a table join per root term in the AND. This cleans up the code substantially while at the same time enabling the use of AND with a depth parameter.

Help text has been updated to match. Setting status to "patch", because I believe this is ready now.

Dries’s picture

Small nit (I haven't looked at the patch yet, neither do I maintain a module that is affected) but '1+2' reads as '1 and 2', where '1,2' reads as '1 or 2'. You explanation suggests that you've done it the other way around.

Steven’s picture

You're right Dries, and that's the point. The previous 'and' terminology was quite confusing as well. Does 1 and 2 mean all the nodes that have AND term 1 and term 2? Or does it mean the nodes that have term 1 and the nodes that have term 2?

The reasoning behind this scheme is that /1+2+3 displays the sum of /1 /2 and /3, which makes sense I think.

Dries’s picture

UnConeD: you're rationale makes sense too -- it didn't occur to me to look at it like that.

JonBob’s picture

Another factor to consider is that I'm removing use of the words "and" and "or" in this context altogether. The new help text reads:

To build a Taxonomy URL start with "taxonomy/term/". Then list the term IDs, separated by "+" to choose nodes tagged with any of the given term IDs, or separated by "," to choose nodes tagged with all of the given term IDs. In other words, "+" is less specific than ",".

Stefan Nagtegaal’s picture

Please try to avoid the words 'node' and 'nodes' inside the help texts. Instead of that use 'post' and 'posts'..

Stefan Nagtegaal’s picture

My 0.02:

-maybe a stupid question/idea but why are we using the words 'taxonomy' and 'terms'? If I'm right a 'taxonomy' is a 'category' and a 'term' is a 'subject' which is part of the 'category'..
- In the help-text we use 'taxonomy' and 'vocabulary' through each other, the same with 'terms' and 'subjectw'.. Can't we unify these to?

jhriggs’s picture

I must agree with Dries's original "small nit." Using "+" for OR and "," for AND seems completely backwards and counterintuitive to me. I understand the "sum" argument, but it is still confusing. Personally, I would rather see the "/and" and "/or" stay than putting it in this way. At least that way it is explicit as to what is being requested. I like the other stuff in this patch, I just find the "+" vs. "," thing confusing. :) I think your everyday users will too.

Steven’s picture

I don't think there is an easy syntax which conveys both 'and' and 'or' meaningfully. A lot of people will think of 'and' differently than a purely logical 'and'.

You go to the store and start filling your trolley. You buy apples, soda and cookies. Your trolley now contains the union of apples, soda and cookies (i.e. logical OR). With this 'and' <-> 'or' confusion in mind, I think the 'sum' idea and syntax makes a lot of sense. It avoids using the word 'and' in an ambiguous context.

For the logical AND, I think it would be best if we could use '&' as an argument separator. However this is bound to cause problems with query arguments, so the old comma was used instead.

I don't expect everyone to agree, but I think it's best if we just pick one system and stick with it. The help text explains the separators, without using the words 'and' or 'or' (instead of using 'any' and 'all'). If people get the usage wrong, they use the other separator.

I do think this solution (selecting by separator rather than keyword) is better than the old one because it avoids the redundant URLs for selecting a single term.

JonBob’s picture

A new patch incorporating some of the help text suggestions. I did not switch the operators at this point.

JonBob’s picture

31.73 KB

...and "Choose File" is too close to "Submit", it seems.

Anonymous’s picture

It's probably better to use the plus (+) and comma (,) symbols, instead of the words "or" and "and", or even the words "any" and "all". No matter which words you use, someone can read them to mean differently than what is intended -- as the shopping cart (trolley? Must be British! :-) with apples, soda and cookies example. Using symbols will make people stop and learn from the help documentation what they really mean.

Such are the vagaries of natural languages.

Chris Johnson

Dries’s picture

I like the proposed patch but I'm putting it on hold for a couple more days so people get to try and comment on it some more. If anything, the new URLs are a lot prettier. ;-)

Stefan Nagtegaal’s picture

From JonBobs-patch (several times):
+ $links[] = l($term->name, 'taxonomy/term/'. $term->tid, $term->description ? array ('title' => $term->description) : array());

I would suggest something else here, like: "categories/$term->tid" or "category/$term->tid".. The word 'taxonomy' is to most people not very self-explaining and is imo tech-talk.. "category"/"categories" gives a better view to the new user(s) of what could be expected..

Steven’s picture

Stefan, I don't think that's really needed. The point of this patch is not to make taxonomy URLs pretty, it's to make them more consistent, while adding depth functionality. We take the approach of naming URLs after the module names and functions everywhere in Drupal, while leaving friendlier text to the UI.

If you want readable URLs, you should probably use URL aliasing and go the whole way (e.g. 'categories/term name' for 'taxonomy/term/X').

Dries’s picture

Committed to HEAD. Some contribution modules will need to be udpated.

Anonymous’s picture

The Directive’s picture

OK, so what is the latest patch for the taxonmoy? Why is it not available in 4.5? Help!?

Carlos Miranda Levy’s picture

So, this works on 4.5.2?
What's the current status of this.
Is there any other ways to list a vocabulary and its terms, not just the content on those terms, other than with sitemap, sitemenu and dhtml_taxonomy, which are all great but of no help if you just want to list all terms (not the articles) of a vocabulary in a page?

tulula’s picture

Interested in what this seems to be suggesting - taxonomy vocabulary, and child terms listed without node content - I stumbled in cvs repositories something that user Mathias is working on for 4.6 called Directory which seems that it would do the job BUT it's not working or workable for 4.5 at present. For me, I so need this functionality NOW! :)

bomarmonk’s picture

Version: » 4.6.0

I can't seem to get the directory module working for 4.6 either. I was hoping I could just install it and get some functionality. However, I must be missing something... the site that implemented this directory module looked dang good, so I know it works somehow. I might just have to wait until mathias is done with all the img_assist stuff-- then maybe the module will get some documentation on how to use it. Looking forward to it...

matthew’s picture

Has any more work went on for this in relation to 4.6.x?

mugel’s picture

Version: 4.6.0 » 4.5.2
Status: Closed (fixed) » Active

Is it possible in with this patch to combine the logical 'and' and the logical 'or' in one taxonomy URL? What I want is to filter all posts that have one term, combined with term 2 'or' term 3.
Something like /taxonomy/term/(1,2)+(1,3) i.e. /taxonomy/term/1,(2+3)

Is anything like this possible without having subcathegories in my taxonomy (all my vocabularies have depth '0')??? And I want to take care of this with terms from different vocabularies....

Please has anyone suggestions, how to handle this?


bmargulies’s picture

What happened to adding node types to the taxonomy url constraint syntax?

JonBob’s picture

Assigned: JonBob » Unassigned
beginner’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed

The patch has been part of core for a long time and certainly won't be backported to 4.5 by now :)
This thread is long, and the patch that had been debated almost to the end has been committed, so I am marking as fixed.

With regard to #52: if this feature is still wanted, open a new issue. I wonder though if this functionality is not already possible with 4.7 with views.module.

beginner’s picture

I meant #51.

Anonymous’s picture

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)