custom_formatters 4.0.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Drupal 10 first try


Issue #3296916 by Project Update Bot: Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes
Issue #3134328 by bruno.bicudo, karishmaamin: Drupal 9 deprecated code report
Issue #2981668 by manuel.adan: Language not added to options in token replace

custom_formatters 4.0.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

8.x-3.x branch with the latest Drupal 9 and Drupal 10 fixes
Semantic versioning

custom_formatters 7.x-2.4

Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 7.x-2.4, 2015-07-08

- #1979894: Fixed issue with PHP field types format.
- Fixed minor issue with Formatter preset entity_type/bundle.

custom_formatters 7.x-2.3

Bug fixes
New features

Custom Formatters 7.x-2.3, 2015-07-08

custom_formatters 7.x-2.3-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Custom Formatters 7.x-2.3-beta1, 2015-06-30

custom_formatters 7.x-2.2

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 7.x-2.2, 2012-07-04

custom_formatters 7.x-2.1

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 7.x-2.1, 2012-06-17

custom_formatters 7.x-2.1-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 7.x-2.1-beta1, 2011-10-17

custom_formatters 6.x-1.6

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.6, 2011-10-08

custom_formatters 7.x-2.0

New features

Custom Formatters 7.x-2.0, 2011-07-01

- #1188398: Added Contextual links integration settings.
- Added documentation.
- Added PHP engine DPM option to preview.
- Added HTML + Token engine Drupal API export.
- Added PHP engine Drupal API export.
- Added Insert module integration.
- Fixed issue with 'Save & Edit' on new formatters.
- Fixed issue with Fieldsets states being reverted on AJAX callback.

custom_formatters 7.x-2.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 7.x-2.0-beta3, 2011-06-15

- Added HTML + Token engine Drupal API export.
- Added PHP engine Drupal API export.
- Added Insert module integration.
- Fixed issue with 'Save & Edit' on new formatters.
- Fixed issue with Fieldsets states being reverted on AJAX callback.

custom_formatters 7.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 7.x-2.0-beta2, 2011-06-02

- Fixed critical install issue.
- Removed support for non-fieldable entities.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.5

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.5, 2011-04-13

custom_formatters 6.x-1.5-beta4

Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.5-beta4, 2010-06-27

- Fixed issue with Features integration.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.5-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.5-beta3, 2010-06-27

custom_formatters 6.x-1.5-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.5-beta2, 2010-06-09

- #821346: Added 'basic' to 'advanced' formatter converter.
- #764608: Changed preview content types field from radios to selectbox.
- Added 'Save & Edit' button.
- Added 'basic' formatter export.
- Added export to tar/tgz.
- Changed the 'name' and 'label' database fields to 64 characters.
- Fixed issue with Imagefield description not rendering correctly via the Insert module.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.5-beta1

New features

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.5-beta1, 2010-03-02

- Added support for CCKs Content Multigroup module.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.4, 2010-03-02

- #721526: Improved Preview functionality.
- #694814 by mauricemengel: Fixed error casued by custom_formatters_token_values().
- #691010: Added support for the Node displays module.
- Added two new hooks for future development.
- Added bulk operations.
- Added pager to overview.
- Fixed a bunch of PHP notices.
- Removed 'Delete' button from clone form.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.4-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.4-beta2, 2010-02-23

- #721526: Improved Preview functionality.
- #691010: Added support for the Node displays module.
- Fixed a bunch of PHP notices.
- Removed 'Delete' button from clone form.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.4-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.4-beta1, 2010-02-02

- #694814 by mauricemengel: Fixed error casued by custom_formatters_token_values().
- Added bulk operations.
- Added pager to overview.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.3, 2010-02-01

custom_formatters 6.x-1.2

New features

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.2, 2010-01-15

- Added a basic HTML editor with Token support.
- Added support for the Insert module.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.x-dev

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx (development release)

- #686030: Added Preview feature.
- Added hook to display additional tokens in the basic editor tokens list.
- Added node tokens to basic editor.

custom_formatters 7.x-1.x-dev

Custom Formatters 7.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx (development release)

- Initial 7.x release.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.1, 2010-01-04

- #671532: Fixed multiple warnings.
- Added Clone feature.
- Added Export feature.
- Added support for multiple value formatters.
- Added missing implementation of hook_perm().
- Added basic help documentation.
- Changed 'description' field to optional.

custom_formatters 6.x-1.0

Custom Formatters 6.x-1.0, 2009-12-30

- Initial 6.x release.

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