system_theme 6.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Release with one single bugfix, fixed a typo error that caused an error message that happened when cache was rebuild with PHP 5.3. This also might have been the source of others bugs with older PHP versions.

system_theme 6.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

Minor release, includes some quick fixes:
#291758 Feature: Added batch page support
#291754 Bugfix: Reset system module internal setting for admin theme when saving to avoid conflicts
Note that this commit also remove the duplicate form_alter() on a wrong form.
#291752 Bugfix: Added dynamic weight update, relative to system module weight

system_theme 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

#276800 - Bugfix: removed annoying error message when module has no configuration
#276766 - Bugfix: added admin form buttons weight to ensure their position in garland theme

system_theme 6.x-1.0

New features

First (stable) release of the module.
This is the exact code replica that we use in our projects.

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