it looks like only the single line and short story feeds are supported for publishing actions. did i miss the action for updating a user's status?

for example, i'd like to have comments get published to a user's update status, rather than a one liner (publish dialog seems redundant for a comment).

i guess more generally, what would be the proper way to extend dff publishing actions for other contributed modules (like voting api), based on triggering event? maybe transform the fb_feed.module such that it can be called by other modules to publish one liners, short stories or to a user's status? i searched for status_set() in fb_feed.module, not sure where else it would be...

i'd be happy to contribute any code i'm lucky enough to get working if shown the right way to do it.


Dave Cohen’s picture

Category: support » feature

There's no action to do this right now, but I'm in favor of adding it. Want to take a stab at it?

The options are to either create a new module, say fb_status.module (or fb_stream.module using the newer stream api). Or add to fb_actions.module. fb_actions.module was originally intended to be a place for such things, but as the fb_feed support got more complicated I moved the feed-related actions there.

The module should also prompt for the set status extended permission, or work with the fb_perms module to do so.

Or just write a custom module handling your specific case. I.e. implementing a votingapi hook and calling facebook api from there. Sometimes its better to do that instead of trying to add this to Drupal for Facebook in a generic way. know what I mean?

psi-borg’s picture

"There's no action to do this right now, but I'm in favor of adding it. Want to take a stab at it?"
haha sure dave if you want dff turned into a bloody pulp.

"The module should also prompt for the set status extended permission, or work with the fb_perms module to do so."
what are the extended permissions checkboxes for the fb application content type for? i have the extended permission checked for status_update, yet i get Error 250, Updating status requires the extended permission status_update.

"Or just write a custom module handling your specific case. I.e. implementing a votingapi hook and calling facebook api from there. Sometimes its better to do that instead of trying to add this to Drupal for Facebook in a generic way. know what I mean?"
first i tried writing a trigger for plus1... it called your fb_actions_profile_fbml, but tokens were missing for title and nid, which renders the action useless.

$fb->api_client->Facebook_showPermissionDialog('status_update'); or some variation that i've tried, doesn't work

this works - but why would anyone want to create a link when the dialog should just be part of the module that needs the permission?

print '<fb:prompt-permission perms="read_stream,publish_stream"> Grant permission for status updates </fb:prompt-permission>';

farceborg is supposedly worth $10billion and this is what they come up with for documentation:


psi-borg’s picture

//dave, this is what i added to the plus1.module

   * Trigger functions to call fb publish dialog action when a user has voted with plus1
   * Implementation of hook_hook_info().
  function plus1_hook_info() {
    return array(
      'plus1' => array(
        'plus1' => array(
          'insert' => array(
            'runs when' => t('After a user has voted up a node')
		  'update' => array(
            'runs when' => t('After a user has updated their vote on a node')

   * Implementation of hook_trigger_name().
  function plus1_plus1($op, $user) {
    // We support a subset of operations.
    if (!in_array($op, array('insert', 'update'))) {
    $aids = _trigger_get_hook_aids('plus1', $op);
   $context = array(
     'hook' => 'plus1',
     'op' => $op,
     'user' => $user,
   actions_do(array_keys($aids), $user, $context);

   * Implementation of hook_action_info_alter().
  function plus1_action_info_alter(&$info) {
    foreach ($info as $type => $data) {
      //if (stripos($type, "user_") === 0 || stripos($type, "system_") === 0) {
	 if (stripos($type, "fb_") === 0) {
        if (isset($info[$type]['hooks']['application'])) {
          array_merge($info[$type]['hooks']['plus1'], array('insert', 'update'));
       else {
         $info[$type]['hooks']['plus1'] = array('insert', 'update',);

//then inside function plus1_vote()

if ($_REQUEST['fb_sig_in_canvas'] == 1){
module_invoke_all('plus1', 'insert', $user);

//this trigger shows up where it's supposed to and your fb dialog action shows as mentioned above, but the tokens are brokens >< <em>any idea why?</em>
psi-borg’s picture

dave, what i'm failing to understand is why the publish dialog action behaves differently if invoked from different triggers...