When using different languages, the feeds are different depending on the prefix, for example example.com/es or example.com/de

When I try to "burn" a feed, the only site feed here is the main language (with no path prefix) so it is not possible to add feeds to feedburner module in other languages.


dmsr’s picture

No! you can burn different feed for each language (including prefix). It's the feed burner module who don't set the good language case you use translations. It lacks a field language to feedburner module.

ex: feedburner burn correctly this 2 examples:

In the "burn feed" panel you can set 2 feeds changing the language of the admin:
in english:
http://example.com/en/ + rss.xml

before change for french:
http://example.com/fr/ + rss.xml

but the second entry overwrite the first one in the sql table...
-> You can't use feedburner module case you translate your post!!!! :-(

Do you have an issue?

Dave Reid’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » Dave Reid
Priority: Critical » Normal

Thank you for the reports both of you. I don't use multilingual stuff usually so I sometimes leave stuff like this out. I will get on this when I can. Since this is the first it's been reported, this isn't exactly critical either.

dmsr’s picture

Note: If you don't specifie a suffix language in feed to feedburner, the default language will be the default language of the site case you don't use content negociation for determinig language.
I you use english language in your site and content negociation, feedburner burn the feed in english (I think that feedburner use a user-agent with english language declared in http-header).

Anyway we have to burn each translated (localized) feed with suffix language (or alias url).
http://example.com/en/rss.xml -> http://feeds.feedburner.com/exemple-en
http://example.com/fr/rss.xml -> http://feeds.feedburner.com/exemple-fr


halfiranian’s picture

Hmm, this looks like a pretty serious problem for my site.

I have 4 languages but I don't care about multiple languages for RSS.

The problem is, my links point to www.mysite.com/en/rss.xml or www.mysite.com/fr/rss.xml which means (as dmsr points out) that I have to 'burn' a new feedburner feed for each one. Major pain since I have a few feeds.

Is there any simpler way of doing this?


Narno’s picture

Dave, can we help you on this issue?

davebv’s picture

Is somebody working on this? I could try patches in a test with multilingual content.

Dave Reid’s picture

Ideally you could give me more hours in a day. :/ With the code freeze and a big project that I'm finishing up I've been pretty busy. If anyone submits a patch I'll review it. Otherwise this will have to wait probably about another month until I can start going through my backlog of modules that I'll be porting to Drupal 7.

Dave Reid’s picture

Finally devoted some time to FeedBurner tonight. Will do some more tomorrow. Lots of cleanups and really bad code gone. Funny how not touching a project for a couple months will allow you to see everything you're doing wrong.

davebv’s picture

THank you for the work, I hope to see this feature implemented.

I tried to look at the code but did not find a fast solution for the multilingual feeds. I hope you may achieve a solution.

Again, thanks for this module!

gilf’s picture

I am facing the same issue. I am also looking into find if I "merge" the feeds on the feedburner site.

remi’s picture

I'm having the same problem right now.


guictx’s picture


davebv’s picture

I think this could be done via "views" in combination with i18n as a workaround ?

xl-network’s picture

I don't think "views" will be the answer. If I do /en/rss.xml?redirect=no it gives me the English posts. If I do /nl/rss.xml?redirect=no it gives me the Dutch posts. So the dataretrieval is okay. The problem lies in redirecting both URL's to the same Feedburner page. You want to specify the correct value for each language.

Maybe this link helps http://drupal.org/node/134002 ? You can make some of your variables multilingual. I used this for translating my site slogan in different translations.

karlmc15’s picture

i same ploblem

karlmc15’s picture

plz fixed this bug

karlmc15’s picture

my pacth, this work for me:

@@function theme_feedburner_block_email($feed) {
++global $language;
-- $output = '<form id="feedburner-block-email-form" action="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="window.open(\'http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri='. $feed .'\', \'popupwindow\', \'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520\');return true">';

++ $output = '<form id="feedburner-block-email-form" action="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="window.open(\'http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri='.$language->language.'/'. $feed .'\', \'popupwindow\', \'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520\');return true">';

-- $output .= '<input type="hidden" value="'. $feed .'" name="uri"/>';
$output .= '<input type="hidden" value="'. $language->language .'/'. $feed .'" name="uri"/>';

karlmc15’s picture

how to fix for function theme_feedburner_block_feeds()

davebv’s picture

What does your patch do exactly? May you attach it as a file with the info of the files to be patched?