I am looking for a system with some of the features of a weblog and some of the features of a wiki. Something like everything2 but using php rather than perl. Most weblog engines are much more advanced than the wiki engines so I think that it might be nice for someone to add a wiki module to drupal.


irwin’s picture

Component: Node system » other

Going through the old issues and looking into closing them...

Can anyone confirm that the Wiki module in CVS fulfils these requirements?

hystrix’s picture

There are two facets of Wiki's that could benefit Drupal.

  1. Wiki Markup - Allowing for simple non-html content creation
  2. Wiki Linking - The creation of new content pages and accidental linking through an easy convention, either CamelCase words or use of brackets called "free links" by some wiki engines.

AFAIK, The only work done thus far is of #1, Wiki Markup. This has been done with the original Wiki Module. And more recently, George Fairbanks proposed a new architecture and code diffs to the original wiki filter implementation.

In the following thread I raised the issue of opportunity to address #2. I believe that what this original request by Razar was asking for was Wiki Linking based on my understanding of Everything2 which is referenced.

Perhaps a new issue or better description is in order, unless one exists elsewhere.

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

wiki.module exists.

Anonymous’s picture