Note for first time users: If you want to get notifications for your own posts/comments, check the 'Notify poster of own posts' option in the Notifications Settings page

First of all, you need to set up the other modules this package depends on:

Then download, unpack and enable the main Notifications module and the needed plug-ins for different types of subscriptions and UI options. A typical example would be:

  • The Content Notifications module that will allow subscriptions to nodes and comments
  • The Notifications UI module that will provide a basic UI for users to be able to handle their own subscriptions

Go to Administer > Configuration > Messaging & Notifications > Notifications Settings and set up the basic options:

  • You can configure the 'sending intervals' that will be available for notifications on the Intervals tab
  • The Immediate setting option is recommended only for small or medium low traffic sites while the Limits for queue processing may be needed only for huge high traffic sites that need to keep cron work balanced

Then depending on the plug-ins you have enabled you'll see a variable number of additional tabs and options. For this example we'll be assuming we have enabled the Notifications Content and the Notifications UI modules.

  • On the Content tab you'll be able to select which content types will be available for 'Subscription to content types' like 'Subscribe to Story posts'
  • On the User Interface tab, you can select which subscription types (Content type, Author, Thread) will be available through the UI
  • There are additional per content type options on the Administer > Content management > Content types settings pages
  • Alternatively you can enable the Subscriptions block which will provide subscription information and options when visiting single node pages
  • Review the permissions to allow desired roles to use some subscription types, manage their own subscriptions, etc...

Now depending on which UI settings and permissions have been set up, the users will see different subscription options when browsing or posting content and comments.


fuzzy76’s picture

Are there any verbose list of the plugins that comes with the notifications module? I found the module descriptions to be too short to tell what they actually was for. :-/

chicagomom’s picture

Broadcast Messages & Notifications Lite

If you want to send broadcast messages and are using the Notifications Lite framework, you must first visit admin/messaging/notifications/events and enable the "Notifications_lite events" trigger.

If this checkbox is unchecked, broadcast messages will simply say "Greetings [user], A item to which you are subscribed has been updated -- This is an automatic message from [site]. To manage your subscriptions, browse to [url] You can unsubscribe at [unsubscribe-url]".