In order to translate the lightbox2 configuration strings, such as the text for the "View Image Details" link and the image count, please install the i18n: internationalization module and follow the instructions at Multilingual variables. The "i18n_variables" you will need to configure for the lightbox2 module are:

  • lightbox2_node_link_text - the text to display as the link to the image details page (e.g. "View Image Details")
  • lightbox2_download_link_text - the text that will appear as the link to the original file underneath the image in the lightbox (e.g. "Download image")
  • lightbox2_image_count_str - image count text (e.g. "Image !current of !total")
  • lightbox2_page_count_str - page count text (e.g. "Page !current of !total")
  • lightbox2_video_count_str - video count text (e.g. "Video !current of !total")


mattez’s picture

// Lightbox2 Module
// the text to display as the link to the image details page (e.g. "View Image Details")
// the text that will appear as the link to the original file underneath the image in the lightbox (e.g. "Download image")
// image count text (e.g. "Image !current of !total")
// page count text (e.g. "Page !current of !total")
// video count text (e.g. "Video !current of !total")