HowTo pages are short, highly-targeted articles on how to accomplish a specific task. They are contributed by the community in response to a need for concise information. HowTo pages differ from Tutorials in that they are most often a single page document and directly relate to either a certain function of a module, a goal-based task, or a "Did you know the Chart module can do this?" paragraph.

For example, where a tutorial might describe the process of creating and theming charts, a HowTo article would explain the steps needed to display a block below the main content of a page that contains a chart about the data contained in some of the fields of that specific node.

Some issues requests to illustrate some questions that perfectly fit into these HowTos (feel free to rework them as a child page here, or add similar links here for other illustrations ...):

Some more interesting questions located in some of the support forums:

And some more interesting HowTo questions from Drupal Answers (*):

  1. How to generate a table and chart with data uploaded via a CSV file? ... Also note the suggested link to a great article Add Charts To Your Drupal Site.
  2. How to display webform results data in a Chart, using the chart module?
  3. How to present multiple charts in a single page?
  4. ... What else?

(*): Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.

Contribute to this documentation

  • If you've accomplished something not listed here, please ... add it now

  • If you want to help reworking any of the links above into a child page here,
    or add similar links to it for other illustrations, please ... do so now


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