Don´t know how relevant this notice is, but in case it can help fix an error:
Notice: Undefined index: entity_from_field:field_ref_node01-node-node in ctools_entity_from_field_get_child() (line 24 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/100_Projects/thezooproject2013/sites/all/modules/ctools/plugins/relationships/


dvandusen’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

For me, the error showed up in the same symptom.

This is a user error on Custom Page Settings Argument Context Assigned. The selected Context is broken:
Possible Reasons:
a) content panel / page / etc is changed/deleted;
b) Context type is invalid.
In either case, the 'child' cannot be found because the 'parent' name is not found/correct, even though validation has occurred (error is missed in validation).

Solutions: (in my case)
a) flushing cache to remove problem may work.
b) change the Context Type from to node edit form: node ID


See also Issue Undefined index: entity_from_field:group_audience-node-group
That has a related problem.

sgoelz’s picture

thanks @dvandusen. Your post helped to fix the error with a broken context.

capysara’s picture

Thanks @dvandusen! Removing a missing context fixed it for me.

BassPlaya’s picture

@dvandusen, yep same here. Thanks buddy! 😉✨