Change record status: 
Introduced in branch: 


As part of Drupal 8 Mobile Initiative the entire Drupal CSS is getting re-architected based on SMACSS. Refer for details on the new architecture.

One of the tasks of this Architect CSS effort is to rename and organise the CSS files. CSS rulesets are grouped into logical files, that can be aggregated efficiently and that can be easily overridden by themers.

CSS files for Drupal 8 modules, Renaming tasks included:

  1. MODULE.module.css - This file should hold the minimal styles needed to get the module's functionality working. This includes layout, component and state styles.
  2. MODULE.theme.css - This file should hold extra styles to make the module's functionality aesthetically pleasing. This usually just consists of theme styles.
  3. MODULE.admin.css - This file should hold the minimal styles needed to get the module's admin screens working. This includes layout, component and state styles. On admin screens, the module may choose to load the *.module.css in addition to the *.admin.css file.
  4. MODULE.admin.theme.css - This file should hold extra styles to make the module's admin screens aesthetically pleasing. This usually just consists of theme styles.

Support for right-to-left (RTL) language styling has been replaced by scoping styles to the dir attribute on the html element, see more info.

As a part of this issue All Drupal module’s CSS files are renamed to match new file naming convention
eg. MODULE.base.css becomes MODULE.module.css. In addition, CSS files are moved to the css subdirectory.

For details on CSS file organization in Drupal 8 refer:

Module developers
Updates Done (doc team, etc.)
Online documentation: 
Generic online documentation done
Theming guide: 
Not done
Module developer documentation: 
Not done
Examples project: 
Not done
Coder Review: 
Not done
Coder Upgrade: 
Not done
Not done

Architect CSS documentation at