Hello everybody,

we have the following Problem:

One normal text fields, which is optional if a hidden field has value 1. By default its required.

Without this dependency rule, everything works fine. If there is a dependency rule the value is not updated in (form.inc 1968f) $form_state.

$process_input = empty($element['#disabled']) && ($form_state['programmed'] || ($form_state['process_input'] && (!isset($element['#access']) || $element['#access']))); 

is giving back false, so it loads the empty value from the cache.

Ive added some other text fields with other technical names and could reproduce this error.

i now know why the value is not updated. The following if-statement is been executed:

 if (empty($field['reset'])) {

I removed this line (see code below) and now it works all fine..

function conditional_fields_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  if (empty($form_state['conditional_fields_untriggered_dependents'])) {

  $untriggered_dependents_errors = array();

  foreach ($form_state['conditional_fields_untriggered_dependents'] as $field) {
    $dependent = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form, $field['parents']);
    $field_values_location = conditional_fields_form_field_get_values($dependent, $form_state);

    // If we couldn't find a location for the field's submitted values, let the
    // validation errors pass through to avoid security holes.
    if (!isset($field_values_location[$dependent['#field_name']])) {

    if (empty($field['reset'])) {
      // Steffen s002 hack
    else {
      $dependent_info = field_form_get_state($dependent['#field_parents'], $dependent['#field_name'], $dependent['#language'], $form_state);
      $field_values_location[$dependent['#field_name']][$dependent['#language']] = field_get_default_value($dependent_info['instance']['entity_type'], NULL, $dependent_info['field'], $dependent_info['instance'], $dependent['#language']);

    // Save the changed array back in place.
    // Do not use form_set_value() since it assumes that the values are located at
    // $form_state['values'][ ... $element['#parents'] ... ], while the
    // documentation of hook_field_widget_form() states that field values are
    // $form_state['values'][ ... $element['#field_parents'] ... ].
    drupal_array_set_nested_value($form_state['values'], $dependent['#field_parents'], $field_values_location);

    if (!empty($field['errors'])) {
      $untriggered_dependents_errors = array_merge($untriggered_dependents_errors, $field['errors']);

  if (!empty($untriggered_dependents_errors)) {
    // Since Drupal provides no clean way to selectively remove error messages,
    // we have to store all current form errors and error messages, clear them,
    // filter out from our stored values the errors originating from untriggered
    // dependent fields, and then reinstate remaining errors and messages.
    $errors = array_diff_assoc((array) form_get_errors(), $untriggered_dependents_errors);
    $error_messages = drupal_get_messages('error');
    $removed_messages = array_values($untriggered_dependents_errors);

    // Reinstate remaining errors.
    foreach ($errors as $name => $error) {
      form_set_error($name, $error);
      // form_set_error() calls drupal_set_message(), so we have to filter out
      // these from the messages to avoid duplicates.
      $removed_messages[] = $error;

    // Reinstate remaining error messages (which, at this point, are messages that
    // were originated outside of the validation process).
    foreach (array_diff($error_messages['error'], $removed_messages) as $message) {
      drupal_set_message($message, 'error');

Does anybody have any clue why $field['reset'] is empty?

Callstack is:



Ive found someone who has the some problem: http://drupal.org/node/1542706#comment-6335834

Does anyone know if theres another bugfix than http://drupal.org/node/1542706#comment-6333454 ?

Thanks in advance.


iTiZZiMO’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated Callstack

andypost’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (duplicate)
andypost’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

found dirty bugfix, but this cant be it...