Yes, you can change the label of any property. This is how you do it:

  1. Go to "Manage Properties"
  2. Under "Add new Properties" fill the values to match the title property (type = text, name = Title, behavior = title)
  3. Click "Edit" on machine-name
  4. Now change "Name" (the label of the property) to whatever you like
  5. Click "Add Property"
  6. Click "Save"

This interface will be improved at some point. Consider helping out with a patch.


RobertKelemen’s picture

I posted a new topic on for those who want to edit the Title field label in a content type, since this field is automatically added by the content type and it only appears in the manage form display section from where the label can not be changed. However I've found a solution to this, for those who want to change the title field label. Best regards, Robert.