Hello, I am a beginner with Drupal and Omega. I just download Omega this past week.

I am trying to create a subtheme and this is the error message I am getting:

Notice: Undefined variable: base in omega_tools_subtheme_add() (line 166 of /home/louisume/public_html/test/sites/all/modules/omega_tools/includes/omega_tools.admin.inc).
Notice: Undefined variable: starter in omega_tools_subtheme_add() (line 185 of /home/louisume/public_html/test/sites/all/modules/omega_tools/includes/omega_tools.admin.inc).

I can't find anything relevant on Drupal or Google to address it. However, I have been searching with the terms Undefined Variable Omega Subtheme, this could be my first mistake.

This error is stopping me from choosing either Omega-html5 or Omega-xhtml in the Base Theme dropdown menu. I have followed the documentation at http://drupal.org/node/819164 so far. And I have download the following Modules: Ctools, Context, Omega Tools, Panels, Delta, Advanced Help, and Context. I might be missing one that I downloaded.

Thank you for any support you can offer.


marcoka’s picture

some reading material. it definitely works. The base is copy for example the html5 inside omega theme into /themes and rename it MYTHHEMENAME and then rename the .info too and rename all functions inside template.php


iloveyoutxtvbs’s picture

My guess is that you haven't installed the default Omega theme yet. Even with all the recommended modules installed, without the actual theme installed, you'll probably get the error that you posted.


/appearance/install and point it at your omega folder.

ilya_leykin’s picture

I've just had the same errors. And the problem was that I installed Omega-theme in the modules folder. :)

Dr.Osd’s picture

I have same notices when I try to create sumtheme via omega tools. My mistake is wrong location of omega theme directory sites/all/modules instead of sites/all/themes