Hi Everyone

How can i change the width of global-alpha-default-wide.css? i want to change to 960 px

i try with:

body {
  min-width: 960px;

but nothing change

i try changing the Wide layout in this way:

Media query

all and (min-width: 960px)

but nothing.

There is something else i need to do?


patrickavella’s picture

I believe you can disable the wide stylesheet entirely in your omega theme settings

Or you probably want to change the width of your #zones,

for example, you can over ride #zone-content in your -wide.css file. Try using your favorite debug tools (I use chrome dev tools) to drill down to the element that's sized, and over ride it with a selector in your theme..

I hope it helps,

marcoka’s picture

there are css files for the responsive css in your subtheme. do it there and dont hack alpha core css.