LDAP Tokens

Last updated on
22 January 2018

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Some fields in the ldap modules allow for "ldap tokens". These tokens are replaced by values within an LDAP entry retrieved from the PHP LDAP extension.

Example Use Cases

The following are based on the ldap entry below.

Use Case Template Evaluates to
ldap server mail template [cn]@myuniversity.edu jdoe@myuniversity.edu
ldap server mail template [cn]@[dc:1].edu jdoe@myuniversity.edu

Example Illustrating Derivation of Token Values

An ldap entry arrray such as:

'dn' => 'cn=jdoe,ou=campus accounts,ou=toledo campus,dc=ad,dc=myuniveristy,dc=edu',
'mail' => array( 0 => 'jdoe@myuniversity.edu', 'count' => 1),
'sAMAccountName' => array( 0 => 'jdoe', 'count' => 1),

would have the following tokens available for its templates:

    -- from dn attribute
    [cn] = jdoe
    [cn:0] = jdoe
    [cn:last] => jdoe
    [ou] = campus accounts
    [ou:0] = campus accounts
    [ou:1] = toledo campus
    [ou:last] = toledo campus
    [dc] = ad
    [dc:0] = ad
    [dc:1] = myuniveristy
    [dc:2] = edu
    [dc:last] = edu

    -- derived from other attributes
    [mail] = jdoe@myuniversity.edu
    [mail:0] = jdoe@myuniversity.edu
    [mail:last] = jdoe@myuniversity.edu
    [samaccountname] = jdoe
    [samaccountname:0] = jdoe
    [samaccountname:last] = jdoe

Additional Example Tokens

In the server test page admin/config/people/ldap/server/[server_id]/test you can see the tokens and sample values when you enter a test username and submit the form.

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