5.x and greater

Create a directory called biblio in the sites/all/modules directory, then place all of the files packaged with this module in that directory.

This module will auto-install the required database tables the first time you enable it on the admin/modules page. This will also setup a number of pre-defined publication types. These types can be changed or deleted on the admin/settings/biblio/types page (see advanced use).


  • First of all, back up your data. If something goes wrong, you will be able to roll back without losing anything.
    IMPORTANT! If you are upgrading from one of the beta releases or RC1 to the latest version in the 6.x series, you should follow these instructions.
  • If you have any custom style in the biblio folder, remember to copy it to somewhere safe.
  • Remove completely the directory with the previous version. If you keep both directories in the modules folder, Drupal will get confused.
  • Unpack the new version of the module in your modules installation directory. Copy back any custom style to the module folder.
  • Finally, run update.php.

Drupal 4.7

  • Unpack the module ".tar" file in the Drupal module directory. (Note: It is often advisable to create a "contrib" directory under the main module directory in order to make house keeping and upgrades easier).
  • Now visit the admin/modules page and enable the biblio module. This will install the required database tables and setup a number of pre-defined publication types. These types can be changed or deleted on the admin/settings/biblio/types page.


Any time you install an new version of the module you should run the update.php script in case there are any database modifications included with the new version.

Drupal 4.6

  • Unpack the module ".tar" file in the Drupal module directory, then create the database tables using following command:
    mysql -u {userid} -p {drupaldatabase} < biblio.mysql
  • You will also have to enable the module on the admin/modules page.