I'm running an ubercart installation with some specificities (namely, ~100000 files in ~20 subdirs, some of the subdirs having ~8000 files in them). My users are only granted a subset of that files (depending on some attributes) of course, not the whole subdir.

uc_file_refresh() doesn't scale well on such configurations. Either hitting php memory limit (when 128m), or 504 gateway timeout when the drupal installation is behind a reverse proxy. Can it be transformed into a regular drupal batch job ?


landry’s picture

As a sidenote, it'd be good if uc_file_refresh() wasn't called unconditionally when store/products/files is opened, a button launching the refresh would be nice.

landry’s picture

Oh, and same for uc_file_feature_form() which calls uc_file_refresh() for the autocompletion. Makes it quite impossible to add a file feature to a product.....

longwave’s picture