the height of .views-cycle-container ist not adjusted automatically.

I figured out, that this part dont work: (views_cycle.js)

    // Find the tallest item and set the height to that item's height + padding,
    // unless we already have an explicit maximum height set.
    if (config.params.height) {
      config.params.height = config.params.height + verticalPadding;
    else {
      cycler.children('li').each(function () {
        var li = $(this);
        if (li.height() > tallest) {
          tallest = li.height();
      config.params.height = tallest + verticalPadding;

"li.height()" allways returns 0! When I display the heigth of the li in a "document.ready()" function, it works and returns the correct height... I dont know why, because "Drupal.behaviors" should work like "document.ready()"...

Maybe someone has a idea how to fix this!

I tried to bugfix within the module code, but i was not successful ... so i wrote a fast and dirty bugfix!

My "dirty" bugfix .. just add it to your theme javascript

  //Bugfix - Stellt cycle auf richtige höhe ein
  $('.views-cycle-container').each( function(){
    var cycle = $(this);
    var tallest = 0;
    cycle.children('.views-row').each( function(){
      if($(this).height() > tallest){
        tallest = $(this).height();